Terry is a great communicator. Cuts right to the chase. This boy wants a car and he wants to drive it to space, and he dosn't want to work or go to school. Gotta respect that. It's a great indie love letter to Simpsons Hit & Run with a perfect sense of humor.

Melatonin Themed Banjo-Like. The aesthetics are charming, but I just couldn't get into this. It definitely has a more sleepy tone to it. The music especially is very soothing and ethereal which matches the vibe but made me feel a little.. uh, I guess tired? I don't know if thats bad per-say but I think I prefer my platformers a little more upbeat. Seems like a great game for a young kid, although I'd personally show them Spyro first.

"Ahaaa, a Legally Distinct Hunter™ is a Legally Distinct Hunter™ even in a d̶r̶e̶a̶m Nightmare." -Nicolas, host of the nightmare

Its silly, inspired, a playable shitpost, and best of all, free. I don't know if I would really say its fun to play but its a good time and a good laugh for any Bloodborne fan. I mean, they even have Father Gregory.

The chunky pixel art and FuUuUunky music really makes this game stand out. Like sure, Celeste is about anxiety or whatever. But this is a game about a dog with a grappling hook. And his name is Pablo! Great game for my camping trip, felt like it was inspired by Sonic and Crash Bandicoot in some areas. Looking forward to checking out the sequel that drops later this year.

Incredibly beautiful game but a bit of a bittersweet experience for me. It’s been over a decade since this game came out so I’m fortunate that I was able to get some cooperators, but it was mostly a solo adventure. Running alongside a complete stranger is awesome though. These days you can get that in any souls or monster hunter game, and I feel like there’s more camaraderie in taking down a boss together. Still it’s cool that people who aren’t into adventure games can have a similar experience.

Dokapon Kingdom and Overcooked can lead to divorce, I recommend this game for trolling your partner but keeping your relationship safe.

Maybe the best puzzle game I've played since Portal 2. You gotta keep Shrek in mind here, because like an onion this shits got layers. Nothing here felt frustrating but there were plenty of moments where I had to stop and think about the solution. Plus I love bugs, gotta love a bug protag. Story was verrrry abstract, which I respect, but I would have liked something a bit more than offered personally.

Aesthetically perfect. The menus, the CRT lines, the dark tones with splashes of red or blue. I love everything about the way this looks. I played this both before and after the QoL updates and I have to say despite being an OG RE fan it feels a lot better to play with an expanded inventory. The story is esoteric and requires some effort to put together but the vibes and themes come through regardless and allows you to interact with it however much or little you like. I personally love this narrative approach but I can see how for some it may seem needlessly obtuse. Plus its got robot lesbians experiencing existential horrors beyond comprehension, whats not to love?


One of my fondest gaming moments was sitting in the dark with my super masculine friend and having him screech as we looked up to see the ghost in this demo. The atmosphere just oooozes with that American isolated decaying house detail, you feel like you can smell the old cigarette smoke clinging to the furniture. I can only imagine the shit Kojima, Ito, and Del Toro were cooking for Silent Hills. I hope we see those lads collaborate on a horror game in our life times.

Dead Space scared the shit out of me in highschool, and it scares the shit out of me today. I think the updates are almost all positive, it was cool seeing a bit more of Isaac's backstory organically. The final boss really is just absolute dog water though. I ended the game with the plasma cutter, ripper, flamethrower, and force gun. Basically none of those are very viable and it was just a really sour way to end an otherwise fantastic survival horror remake.

This reminded me of Ico in all the best ways. It helps that I also love rock climbing but man, this was a great time for me. I only knocked a half point off because the backstory being conveyed in long text dumps just is not great. Ima be real, I aint readin that shit. What I am doing is taking in these beautiful visuals while I haul up this damn wall and hang out with my cute little scrimblo.

Cute little 3D platformer in the style of the good 3D Sonic levels. Goes surprisingly hard at times, and I think it was like under $5 so definitely worth it.

Hell yeah man, I love Gurren Laggan too.
This was cute and short. The platforming is a lot of fun and each level throws a new gimmick for you to play around with. Its even got a mech! The bosses were less enjoyable for me, but only the last one really got frustrating. I think I just didn't really find the mechanics suited single screen combat too well. The pixel art is awesome and I appreciate you get to customize your characters color scheme.

Absolutely stunning pixel art and sound design. Hollow Knight tricked me into thinking I liked Metroidvanias but this is the first one since that's actually scratched that itch for me. I rolled credits and I'm sure there's a lot more to find. I feel totally satisfied with how much I saw. Absolutely amazing puzzle design, even a brainlet like me got to feel like a genius at times.

This is a really weird one for me. For starters, the game is absolutely gorgeous. It feels like a PS2 game in the best ways, running through the levels sort of reminded me of Sly Cooper at times. I loved the environments and artstyle in general. The combat is satisfying, it feels kind of like a more friendly and forgiving Sekiro. The comedic tools you use to take down enemies are almost always hilarious and add a unique charm to the game.
However the characters talk. A lot. Like a lot a lot. You can turn this down in the menu but the writing is actually quite fun when there arent 6 people talking over one another. The enemies don't synergize well with one another and some combat encounters can become absolute slogs as a result. I found myself getting really frustrated when you're forced to dodge one enemies attack but that refills the meter of another enemy. All in all though this is a great game for the price, and the accessibility options do make up for some of the less considered design decisions.