I can't say what I felt playing this masterpiece, it's something from another world ... I think you can only understand it by playing.

The story is not one of the best but still has its charm, the atmosphere and the soundtrack are excellent and the fact that the characters do not return after dying makes the experience even more frightening

The only complaint I have to make about this game is the lack of combos for Alice's attacks

The only bad thing about this game is that the 2nd run is the same as the 1nd run and that doesn't make any sense

A good Resident Evil action game with a good story, although some parts are pretty rough and go overboard.

I never thought that a survival horror in an open world would be so fun until I played this game, graphics and story are good and I like how this game creates its own personality, different from the first one that tries to be a mixture of silent hill and resident evil.

I also wanted to say that I loved Sebastian in this game, besides being much hotter, he has more charisma and is a great father.👍🏻

The best horror atmosphere I've ever seen in a game

I played for the first time this year and every time nemesis appeared I was in despair omg

I found it a bit monotonous and boring compared to the other 2 but it is still very good and the graphics are more incredible than ever.

Besides having beautiful graphics for its time it’s still a lot of fun i really love it❤

It has some shitty controls and it's tedious, dragged and repetitive but for some reason i liked it a little. I think it's because it was a game that I played a lot in my childhood. :/


This game is so interesting and misteryous... I also really like the puzzles and the dark athmosphere, it's scary!

I even liked the game despite being very tiring and having some bad things like the freezing of bugs, the absence of interesting characters (not even the protagonist is interesting) and a quick trip, and the combat is also ridiculously bad.