I found it a bit meh and rough as fuck but at least it's fun and the history and graphics are better than the first AND I HATED THE FUCK OF THOSE LOCK PICK PUZZLES JUST REMEMBERING GIVES ME A WILL TO PLAY ME FROM A BUILDING

A good Resident Evil action game with a good story, although some parts are pretty rough and go overboard.

The only bad thing about this game is that the 2nd run is the same as the 1nd run and that doesn't make any sense

Why do people speak so badly about this game ?? is one of the best games ever made in recent years. It is perfect in absolutely everything

I never thought that a survival horror in an open world would be so fun until I played this game, graphics and story are good and I like how this game creates its own personality, different from the first one that tries to be a mixture of silent hill and resident evil.

I also wanted to say that I loved Sebastian in this game, besides being much hotter, he has more charisma and is a great father.👍🏻

It is very different from the other resident evil games and it bothered me at first but the engaging story and constant terror made me forget that and I ended up loving the game.

The only complaint I have to make about this game is the lack of combos for Alice's attacks

The story is not one of the best but still has its charm, the atmosphere and the soundtrack are excellent and the fact that the characters do not return after dying makes the experience even more frightening