A game that can be considered one of the Titans in the stealth-action and immersive sim genre. Dishonored shines with its fantastic level design and mechanics that gives players a lot of freedom to explore and pursue their own way of completing missions. In addition to the base game, it also has two great DLC that expands on the game design of the base. There are some clunkiness that can be attributed to the older game engine and it has a simple story and a weak chaos system. But the gameplay, the artstyle, the atmosphere, and the setting makes it stand out as one of the best of its genre. Plus, the current price of the base + DLC package being only $20 makes it a value package and the frequent Steam sales that it participates in makes it a fantastic purchase. This game gets a YAY from me

It is a strong spiritual successor, both in the fact that it successfully emulates the core of what makes Jet Set Radio good and the fact that it contains a number of old game design choices that are outdated. It is strongly carried by the OST, nostalgia lens, fun environments, and some decent movement mechanics. The story, characters, the combat, some clunkiness, and very high price-tag that doesn't really fit is what drags it down in my opinion. I give the game a solid YAY, but highly recommend only getting it when the price tag drops at least by 25% or more.

A rhythm-based action game with a lot of style and heart to it. Coming from Tango Gameworks as they take a departure from their horror-focused works, it is THE underrated gem of 2023. With a unique combat system revolving around following the beat, colorful cel-shaded artstyle, a smaller but jamming OST, and fun characters & fun story, this game provides a value worth more than its $30 pricetag. The most notable weaknesses were some of the level designs for platforming portions and a lack of an enemy lock-on feature that is prominent in similar action games like DMC. I give this game a resounding YAY.