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LobeFinned earned the Gone Gold badge

1 month ago

LobeFinned earned the Popular badge

1 month ago

LobeFinned finished Endless Ocean: Luminous
Man. I love fish, I love animals, I love taking pictures of both of these, and I loved Endless Ocean on the Wii. This game is not like the originals. I started this game with a higher opinion of this than I think a lot of people, it was fun, kind of clunky mechanically, but the core was strong enough to be a good time. The more I played though, the more baffling decisions I encountered. There’s so many axed modes and features from the Wii game that this feels like if you ported the idea to an iPhone game more than a third entry of the Endless Ocean series, which sucks. I got my money’s worth out of it, and overall it’s fine, the features cut are things I could overlook if the game was as good as the originals and it’s just not. Not to mention, I have encountered so many glitches that halt progression, and even gotten softlocked out of the ending from what I can tell because one of the items I need to complete the 99 tasks you have to do to pad the game out to hell and back just didn’t spawn in the already rare randomly generated formation, all of this just makes me wonder how this game was okayed in the state it’s in, missing any of the typical “shine” from a Nintendo published title, with things that scream a lack of QA testing.
Overall the lack of an aquarium mode the change to randomly generated maps from set maps, making exploration a lot more tedious to get what you want, and just lack of good QOL features… makes the game all in all very disappointing.

1 month ago

1 month ago

1 month ago

hoshizoralone finished Halo 3
arbiter standing there while his husband master chief has a beautiful tearful reunion with his ai wife cortana in multiplayer mode like dis: 🧍

1 month ago

hoshizoralone completed Halo 3
arbiter standing there while his husband master chief has a beautiful tearful reunion with his ai wife cortana in multiplayer mode like dis: 🧍

1 month ago

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