2 reviews liked by mutemagpie

tons of memorable moments. dragged down by general jrpg fare like unavoidable random encounters that plague you for the majority of the game with next to no respite till late. similarly weakened by a couple of the plot-minimal characters who still compel you to grind them to a usable level, which tends to over grind the characters you care about and make the endgame content a cinch. battle mechanics are fun at first but many get outclassed (although i never tired of trying to suplex a new enemy). fun time with a glut of lethargic gameplay.

got this after playing in person. love the bird game, although having played it a lot i'm sliding into doomer mindset about how insanely luck-dependent the average run is. skill curve ramps as you play with more people due to decreased birdfeeder autonomy and pink power utility. fuck the ravens. all my cronies hate the ravens.

also wish the trivia was a bit deeper; perhaps like the infobank in civ v