dmingo n the longest yard all fucking night!!!

i've tried twice to play this again and i wisen up two hours into it and uninstall.

they train young men to drop fire on people, but wont allow them to write fuck on their airplane BECAUSE... it is obscene!

this game shines when you have two goombash following you and whacking every lughead on the street and jostling every prostitute or hobo you come across while 16 men plays. you have to make use of idtech know-how like using a shotgun underneath a thug to juggle and stun them like dmc or hiding behind your bodyguards to soak up damage or trick ai to survive the early game. Once you get to poisonville and get your hands on the flamethrower it beecomes manageable as youj can stun them then murder them.

theres is an active multiplayer community that plays a couple of times a week, with maps from other idtech games ported, christmas and halloween mods, and new gamemodes and whatnot. play y it!!!

i like this game regardlesss