Great bundle for great hack and slash games.

Force Unleashed could by one of my favorite hack and slashes of all time alongside with DMC, found it back when the 360 launched and it was my first interaction with console games at the time and back in the day I only had a 4:3 tube monitor and a windows xp machine and could not run this game at all but I enjoyed watching the cutscenes till I got myself a copy of the game later on when I moved to windows 7, by then I was already familiar with star wars and some of the games but this one was special... My first hack and slash with a theme that I absolutely loved.

This game had unique visuals and top tier cinematics, the third person saber combat was satisfying and the slices by the lightsaber felt unreal at the time, a pretty smooth gameplay with unique abilities, even when doing parkour the movement felt great. One minor stepdown is the combat, like I said it feels good but replaying the game again it kinda felt clunky but you know this game aged a bit so it's alright to say that, the quick actions were the only part I struggled at the most when I played it for the first time mainly because I didn't used a controller but I got used to it.

You are a jedi that was saved by darth vader since you were a child, leading you into the dark side and completing his quests to kill the remaining jedi.
Galen Marek is our protagnist that was later on betrayed by Vader and a huge plot twist occurs, Kota is a jedi who tried to help Starkiller turn to the good side and trying to create the rebel alliance alongside with Juno a girl who served for the galactic empire but later on when she was freed by Starkiller she switched sides to the alliance, the game has 2 endings.
The jedi ending or the sith ending, the jedi one is to defeat the emperor and the sith one is to defeat darth vader.
Honestly the story might not be the biggest one of all of them but the expansions are great, never got around them though should try em next time when I will decide to replay it, this story is not canon and its a part of the legends so yeah because the sequels ruined the timeline but it's not because that mainly is just the story was not the biggest part of the game and it might be a bit forgettable.

This game has a lot of side content, like costumes that can transform you into other characters and a lot of upgrades, also holocrons help a lot in unlocking goodies but you have to find em in the levels.

TFU is another childhood game that I loved, didn't played TFU 2 because I heard some bad stuff about the plot and the game having a lot of problems but I strongly recommend the first TFU because it's considered by the community to be the better game.

A great spin-off for the franchise, also serious sam xbox edition character model lol.

Vergil was bored and visited earth to fuck a whore and then leave.

A great sequel to the first encounter.

Croteam can't stop with the prequels, also a fine expansion for ss4.

a BADASS prequel to the classics!

Devolver really kicked this one great!

Completed the game 2 times
- Pacifist
- Normal Ending
Very fun.

You are the undead, you don't know where you are and then a brave knight gives you a second chance to leave the prison and start an amazing journey, killing the others in the prison and making your way into the middle part of the prison and then a huge monster jumps Infront of you and you're useless compared to him so you go left and open a door to find loot and learn to use weapons and after that you meet your unlucky knight that gave you your last hope to escape this prison... He gives estus flask your medicine for the pain that you endured. Then you meet with that beast again and hopefully you did a mid jump attack I suppose... heh...
And then the journey really begins in the hub world.. firelink...
You will fight powerful monsters but they will be useless after you grind... And in the end you have 2 options my ashen one...

Anyways I can go on with the story but I don't want to enable the spoiler box because I want everyone to understand the game for themselves, the graphics are beautiful the story is great the replayability is fucking amazing and you will find some NPCs that are unforgettable in storywise and meme content, the game is rich in so many ways and also very frustrating if you don't got the temperament...

Anyways planning to do NG+7 one day so yeah the grind will continue for me.

The game is way harder than the first one, also the story is forgettable for me compared to the first one, and the harder part is not a bad part in my book but I personally had a great time with this game and didn't felt to be angry about it... Hey atleast majula is the most beautiful hub world in the trilogy.

Shoot people get new weapons shoot more people.
(I strongly recommend redux even tho the original is free on steam)

A great improvement to the all time classic.

Great doom-like, very comedic and has lots of content.
Also workshop update is here!

A great sequel to a fantastic game and a PERFECT movie franchise!