6 reviews liked by nawros_xonz

I just wish I started with this game first cuz it is definitely better than the first one in every regard.
That said, after putting some 10-15 hours into gr1, the charm of controlling the gravity and flying around starting the wear off. And sadly, that's what there's to those games.
Cuz other than some bangers in the soundtrack (as usual from the SIE composers).
It's really hard find a reason to keep playing with the bare-bones combat, fuck awful writing and ubisoft-ass missions.

No Jim, for the millionth time i DON'T care about your uncle, nor does anybody really, you're not that good at convincing people at all

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I mean it was good but some of the boss fights were kinda boring like blood starved beast, the other thunder dog, that witch, the L reborn
The only cool boss fights were lucarius and every hunter boss fight
Other than that the atmosphere was pretty cool and some of the NPCs were also cool

It's good but I don't really get it.

Like, mechanically, everything is so fantastic, yet it feels like the game opposes its own design? You can slide, roll, dash, go slow-mo after jumping over cover, clearly, motivating players to not use cover and rush into a fight like a badass. Yet, there are times when the best way or the only way to take down enemies is through turret sections?? It's like Vanquish wanted to break the conventions of what a third-person shooter at the time should be (Gears of War clones) yet it still adheres to these standards in its levels, enemy design, and overall narrative. It's strange. I found myself getting bored at times, or just uninterested in the combat, while other times I was really feeling it. At times, it felt like Platinum Games was trying too hard to be cool, which they never do! Sam feels like an MGR Raiden-Light although clearly being written beforehand. Some of the setpieces were jaw-dropping in concept, while others were very mundane. I feel like I can say this about a lot of the different aspects of the game. It's hit or miss. Still fun when its hits, but boring when it doesn't. Also, screw Act 5 Mission 2's ridiculous difficulty spike

Hit or Miss/10

Played it for like 8 hours and I still feel I'm a worst person because of it.

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