5 reviews liked by ncotta

Logging this here because I can't log it on Goodreads

Imagine a game made by someone who got trapped inside Garrys Mod for 20 years with nothing but acid tabs and RC cola as their only sustenance.

This is, by all technicalities, a quirky indie RPG about depression

I like the idea, and the combat has a lot of depth in terms of character growth, but it's just a bit too repetitive and grindy for me, and having equipment slots for every single monster adds an unnecessary layer of tedium that you have to engage with to keep up with the difficulty curve.

Fun game, but the difficulty curve could use some work. You can build up good synergies that are really effective on 90% of the enemies, but then reach a boss that dismantles it all.

The game doesn't make it too hard to build up a different team, but you can kind of only do that a couple of times before you'll be out of level up tokens and have to grind again. I also really did not enjoy the tedium of a certain concurrent encounter where if you lose in the second fight you have to redo the first.

Great overall, just could use some more balancing!