4 reviews liked by nenmyx

Pretty archaic in a lot of ways, as you might expect, but it's got some real charm and a lot of genuinely groundbreaking ideas for 1988. Definitely recommended if you're the type of person who can handle DOS RPG jank, and even if these old games aren't usually your type of thing I'd recommend at least giving it a shot (be sure to read the manual first) just to see. It can be played for free in browser on internet archive, so there's no reason not to.

What if we made a Wario Ware game but it sucked

Deeply evil game. There is nothing in this game that can actually do harm to the player character in an explicit or mechanical sense and yet the presentation creates such a powerful sense of constant danger and hostility that despite knowing going into it that I would never round the corner to find a Scary Guy waiting to bash my head in, I was gripped with indescribable dread throughout. There are some truly cruel moments in which the game forces you to do things you absolutely do not want to do in order to progress. Masterful horror. It also feels just deeply, intrinsically trans in a way I really can't put to words? Like I can't point to any specific thing about this game that is particularly trans other than maybe the bit that describes a home invasion in a way that feels more like a sexual assault, but just looking at this game and KittyHorrorShow's other output I was able to correctly guess that she's trans before I got confirmation that that was the case, there's definitely something going on here that I can't quite put my finger on but I feel it in my bones.

Honestly shocked at how fully-formed the Musou formula is right from the start. This game is simply immediately fun to play in ways I was not expecting from the first ever attempt at this style of gameplay. The way it simulates a larger battle that you're playing the role of a wuxia-esque heroic general inside of is super cool and interesting, as well. Highly recommended to any musou fans who are interested to see the birth of the genre.