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1 day

Last played

October 19, 2021

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Couldn’t get into it despite how popular it’s been amongst my friends. The first few hours felt sluggish and the plot beyond saving your sibling just kinda went over my head. I think I also get overwhelmed with games when there’s so many items and stats that aren’t explained beyond large chunks of text so I probably end up missing out on core elements of the gameplay.
I don’t think any of the characters are poorly designed, however the design philosophy seems to go for that over-detailed “check out my OC” look that’s common with anime-style media rather than crafting characters in a way that reflects who they are and what their roles are. I remember when an NPC says “Oh you’re a traveler, I can tell by your clothes” but the main girl looks like she’s in cosplay compared to everyone else. It is a gatcha game tho so I probably shouldn’t expect more than that.
Overall, whatever captured so many people just didn’t seem to grab me about this game.