2 reviews liked by neurodrive

"Find out who you really are" says the slogan on the game box (member those?), and whoever wrote the description over at MyAbandonware is evidently a coping expert with less than stellar management and parenting skills. Given that this was one of the most overhyped PC games back in the day and is still thoroughly unique and technologically impressive, it naturally has less reviews here in this den of histrionic hipsters than your average pokemon romhack. Sadly these days it's only available to folX willing to go through the arduous endeavor of downloading it online and installing a fan patch that makes it work spotlessly on Microsoft's freshest spyware (because who has time to set up a VM these days). My condolences to all my fellow kids who'd love to pay 29,99 for a Naught Dive published hackjob on their favorite DRM platform, so that they could then do a scathing write-up about how dumb and bad the tamagotchi's AI is in this "gimmicky" game after babying/neglecting it to act like a helpless moron (you are what you nurture boys and gUrls).

No 1 will believe me ... But it is true. On the illidan server whence i learned the sickest, And illegal ideas, I was the Horde Side Ganker known as " the thandol span 'assaulter' ". That last word is a replacement i cant say the original anymore, it Starts with an r. Not a good word.Not good deeds. But i cannot run from my past.