Log Status






Time Played

21h 22m

Days in Journal

1 day

Last played

January 21, 2024

Platforms Played


ANNO: Mutationem is a beautifully crafted game that uses phenomenal pixel art to bring to life a world that is so rich you want to keep coming back. It's a game that combines incredibly fun exploration, combat, world-building, characters, beautiful art direction, and stunning sound design to such a degree that the 10-20 hours I spend with this game just isn't enough. It's such an incredible hidden gem that I encourage everyone to pick up and play.

The most common criticism I see about ANNO: Mutationem is a lackluster story. I understand this complaint to a degree because if a player tends to avoid the extra in-game articles, data logs, and lore/world-building information there will be a disconnect from what occurs in the story to what you should have learned through other material in-game. If I had any criticisms at all, they would just be to implement a dash mechanic for overworld traversal to make back-tracking during collectible hunting more efficient. I'm very hopeful for a sequel and if we were to get one I would be incredibly grateful (and excited) and appreciate side quests that genuinely touched upon some of the world-building elements present in the game and a better incorporation of the extra lore hidden around the world into the main story. Otherwise, even despite this, I continue to enjoy my time with this excellent title.

I had originally played ANNO: Mutationem some time ago because I had heard Vanguard Sounds was responsible for the OST and I continue to not be disappointed at all. They delivered nothing but quality and love with every track in this game. It's amazing.