played it as a kid and had a very cute and heart warming message

i still think this game is great

FUCK Maximum Entertainment for ruining this game

simple but effective VERY based theme and extremely addictive for speedrunners like myself

this was the expansion that blew me out of the water it is GENUIENLY an award winning MMORPG expierence.

its fun! i like to play it with friends

great great amazing outstanding fighting game
very very very very hard and fucked up. i believe this is the most fucked a fighting game can ever become in a great way but wow i enjoyed my expeirence with it thoroughly <3

black dahlia is still one of my favourite fg characters ever

thought i was gonna main tf out of this gg entry but feels like an awkward middle child tbh but its still pretty good and i love you jam

got me into one of my favourite genres ever and has no doubt changed my life, though i have gripes with the game its taught me a lot about myself especially my mental. i am greatful for all that its given me meow basically the accent core review (but i like accent core more)

i could say so many things about this game but i will keep it compact.

game makes me believe that with work and time and keeping tabs on my mental anything is possible