Log Status







Time Played


Days in Journal

76 days

Last played

April 28, 2024

First played

February 13, 2024

Platforms Played


They revamped the gameplay in Overwatch, shooting feels more consistent and engaging. Improved weapon accuracy with larger projectiles and health adjustments create a new and different experience with nothing but dopamine. Whether or not that's a good thing is up to be seen but they are very quick to revert and nerf some problem characters due to the change. I am however glad that Hanzo can't one shot me from a mile away anymore.

Heroes now regenerate health passively, encouraging strategic play, picking targets carefully, and longer team fights, DPS also nerf healing received encouraging supports to mostly do damage now. Bringing back some of that Overwatch 1 charm this is the best season of Overwatch 2 so far in my opinion.

The new seasonal modes were fun as always but just like always they were only fun for an hour or so. Completing the new Cosmic horror event on legendary was fun, but grinding out the challenges on that, and the new prop hunt map was dreadful after a while. I wont be missing these modes after they go away, but I dont regret playing them either.