
Another Crab's Treasure for me captures the essence of what makes a soulslike game with its familiar combat, customization, and exploration. The combat is engaging and does feel original for the most part with it's interesting shell mechanics, keeping the gameplay fresh and not boring. However, there are some frustrating moments, like knowing where to go and especially with some sniping enemies that can catch you from an entire map away and do parkour to get line of sight of you. Despite this, the game offers a pretty balanced combat experience overall, with special abilities that are useful but not mandatory, and bosses that are all pretty unique, not reused, and fun to defeat.


The game has some charm in its visuals. The art style is nice despite being pretty low poly general animated seeming, and helps set it apart from other games in the genre. Being bright, colorful and hopeful instead of dark like so many other soulslikes go for on the regular. While not groundbreaking, the visuals are pleasing and contribute to the overall experience being a light souls game.


The dialogue in Another Crab's Treasure is quite entertaining, adding a humorous and engaging layer to the narrative. While the story itself may not be the main highlight, the characters and their interactions keep players invested. It isn't a complicated story by any means, and I enjoy actually knowing what is going on in a soulslike which doesn't happen often.


The audio design, including sound effects and music, complements the gameplay well. It enhances the atmosphere and helps immerse players in the world. The voice acting and dialogue delivery add to the game's charm, and the music is fun and upbeat and serves the levels well without getting annoying.


Fans of these type of games might find Another Crab's Treasure worth replaying due to its challenging combat and variety of customization options. But for those not already invested in the genre, the replay value might be less compelling. You can clear the game out pretty quickly and there isn't much to really upgrade that makes a huge difference besides going for all the collectables.


While it stays close to the soulslike formula, Another Crab's Treasure introduces enough unique elements in combat, customization, and exploration to stand out enough.


The game offers a decent amount of content, with a ton of abilities and customization options to explore. But it doesn't go above and beyond in terms of extra content, hidden bosses, ect. I didnt really feel like going through and 100% completing the game because I felt that the focus was on delivering a solid core experience which I enjoyed.

Overall Enjoyment:

Overall this is a very enjoyable game for fans of soulslike and action combat. It isn't nearly as difficult as others but for the most part it hits the necessary marks with its engaging gameplay and fun charm, despite some frustrating moments.

Similar Games:

Dark Souls series of course, or any soulslike for that matter. I dont know of any close matches to this one.

Reviewed on May 24, 2024
