Shin Megami Tensei IV had a really great premise and the characters were good for an SMT game. I thought the dungeons and areas in the game were good but what I really didn't like was the world map. It felt like a chore whenever I had to backtrack and was given little direction. Overall music gameplay story? All these features in SMT IV were great. Would highly recommend to any fans of SMT games or turn based combat

Fun RPG game with a lot of charm. Especially for fans of the Mario franchise

Grandia II is my favorite game of all time. Story is incredibly layered with a cast of characters that are very well developed. Not to mention my favorite protagonist. Gameplay is just as fun as Grandia 1 but only better

Acting as a retelling and reimagining of the original game, Rebirth strikes a good balance of being different and also familiar for fans of the og. Characters are amongst the best in gaming and that gameplay is so incredibly addicting.

My second favorite game of all time. Everything about Grandia is just about perfect. Characters, story, presentation, music and we can’t forget about that addicting gameplay

The simplicity and tone make for a nice comfort RPG. Characters are fun and so is the localization. Music is also top notch

Great writing, story and characters. Has a nice charm to it that makes the experience unforgettable. Gameplay is also pretty fun and unique

Improved upon Arc the Lad 1 in every possible way. Story was engaging, characters were good. This game is also easy on the eyes. Love the presentation

Very dated but a nice, short prologue for the sequel.