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LobbyDob commented on AiriBan's review of Elden Ring: Shadow of the Erdtree
The main issue with Elden Ring is that it's still using the same fundamental combat mechanics that were around in Demon's Souls and Dark Souls 1. Although this isn't a bad thing in itself, the Souls combat is fundamentally actually quite simple. You just dodge attacks and then whiff punish during the enemy's recovery window. It's a formula that's been around since the days of Punch Out and probably even before that. It's a fun and solid basis for a combat system, but there's actually not many skills being tested besides hitting the dodge button at the right time and the attack button at the right time.

Consequently, in order to make the combat/enemies/bosses more difficult, the only things that can be done to increase the fundamental difficulty is to make dodge timings more difficult/less intuitive and punish windows shorter. This increase in difficulty was actually done quite well in Bloodborne, where fundamental difficulty could be increased but still have a game that's intituitively fun, but by the time of Dark Souls 3 and especially by Elden Ring the limits of this increase in difficulty were being reached, and so the only way to milk out any more difficulty from this simple combat system is to make attack timings weirdly-delayed and have all enemies do insane shounen-anime combos every 5 seconds while we're still stuck with the Demon's Souls moveset with some slight differennces. Is it difficult? Yes, and it's technically still "fair" as well, but it's not fun, and that's what matters.

Good review, I'll probably watch some more gameplay footage of this DLC but I'll pass on playing it, since this DLC seems to only double down on the problems I had with the base game. Also for any "git-gud" fromsoft midwits targeting me, I 1cc retro arcade games and bullet hells for fun, so know your place.

23 hrs ago

1 day ago

LobbyDob reviewed Fallout
I enjoyed my second attempt of playing through Fallout 1 way more than the first time a few years back, and I was actually able to beat the game this time!

It's amazing how much the designers nailed the first time around in terms of crafting a post-apocalyptic setting thick with atmosphere and compelling iconography. I also liked to what extent a lot of the now-iconic elements of the series (like the Brotherhood of Steel, Deathclaws, Super Mutants etc.) are introduced via self-driven exploration and unreliable narration from multiple in-game sources. Fallout's game world is small and the journey is over relatively quickly, but there's a compactness and focus in design here that modern RPGs could learn a lot from.

I ended up enjoying the turn-based combat more than I remembered too. My recommendation is to go to the options and increase the combat speed up to the highest value to make things flow more smoothly. The only aspect of Fallout that is truly "dated" is the inventory/bartering UI which is cumbersome to navigate.

1 day ago

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3 days ago

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