very easy & has extremely repetitive maps & minigames, but it’s very cute and i love unlocking new items 😊 should’ve had gudetama instead of hangyodon though smh 😔 (still missing a few outfits & vehicles but i put as complete since i have every character & have beat every map & minigame)

great maze designs, all the levels are very pretty 💕 and i love that you can care for the hamsters & collect a lot of various things~ makes me want to buy zhu zhu toys so it definitely succeeded at that!!

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not sure if you can spoil a game with no story, but whatever. as far as i can tell, there is no way to keep any pets you raise. you literally raise them all from infants, grow attached to them, and then they just leave!! forever!! what kind of PET game is that?!

i LOVE miley cyrus, hannah montana, and the hannah montana movie, but this game is NOT IT 😭 very disappointed. the graphics are HORRENDOUS & it has no replay-ability 🤷‍♀️

Still Playing
absolute gold ✨ i played this growing up when i wished that i could have a real dog, and now that im grown, have raised real dogs, and now realize that im 1000% a cat person, i still love this game 💕 i do have championship dogs, but i won’t rank this as complete until i have found the rare ✨jack russell book✨ my dogs — caramel the female corgi & dolly the female schnauzer

Still Playing
my very first ds game 💖 yes, maybe 93% of what i do on here is play virus buster & sudoku, but so what! i love it and when i do play the actual brain training games, they make me feel like i am really getting smarter and maybe i am 😌📖💕 ‘still playing’ cause i havent unlocked all the games yet

didn’t stand a chance at topping the computer games, which have my whole heart, but i had a lot of fun with this! there is a lot of things to do, even though the gameplay is a bit more limited than the computer games 💗

i don’t think im nostalgia blind on this one, it’s just really really good 💖 everything is 10/10 here, the music, the story, the graphics, the level design, the difficulty level, it’s PERFECT 💗 praying this will come to nintendo switch online someday~

Still Playing
ive never played 1 or 2, but i like this one! some shops can be irritating to grind and upgrade, but others i could play for hours 😊 + i love tamagotchi so i love seeing all the different kinds of them~

maybe ill come back to this later but i am severely not enjoying this game. and i like other paws & claws games!

nintendo please don’t kill the mii’s and make a sequel to this on switch 😭 i have been playing this game since release and im still not sick of it 💖

i was OBSESSED with this game when it came out but my wii u pad is broken now (thanks younger siblings 👍) so i cant revisit it to check my progress 🤷‍♀️ weavile main 😌💪💕

i got into a lot of my favourite game series later in the series (animal crossing new leaf, pikmin 2, etc) so im really thankful that i got into splatoon right at the beginning IM FINALLY AN OG PLAYER 💖 it’s so worth it too, splatoon has always been amazing & splatoon 1 still has the best idols✨

i decided a while back to go through and play every gen (one version - regular playthrough, other version - nuzlocke) while watching the show & movies of that gen. red is the version i chose to play through normally and even though i did play blue as a kid, i think it’s the first time i ever beat it. i gotta say, its age is showing and if you are used to the newer games then this gen can be frustrating at times. even so, i had more fun with it then i expected, even though this gen is pretty difficult 😅 btw i picked bulbasaur 👑✨

R.I.P. old friend.. ive barely touched overwatch 2 and im so sad that i can never play the original again. my mains — mercy, moira, mei, 💕