carried by the last 3 trials and nagito. easily the worst cast in the franchise its so crazy to see a cast with such little chemistry except for the established survivors. the game isn’t bad by any means but it could have been WAY better if they took their time giving more characterization to the entirety of the female cast who all fell flat imo

the first danganronpa game will always hold a special place in my heart. idk what it is about this game but it’s just so enticing and insanely captivating to play through all the way and it sets the rest of the series up so well. dr1 you will always be famous

the best ace attorney game by far hands down. the only thing that can come close is aa3 or aai2. best mc with an amazing story, soundtrack, and a feel to the game that makes me so happy

game was amazing all the way through with a great combat system. the endings were such a letdown but i need to replay for the neutral ending

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about to fight sin but i’ll replay the game before I do to experience everything. the only game to make me cry as hard as i did and i’m not even done. this game is phenomenal

the game with the strongest cast and best cases. story and villains lackluster but it’s the second best in the series behind dr1. doesn’t have anything too wrong with it, i love the mixup from dr1 and 2, but it will never be the same as dr1

i played this during a time in my life where i was down mentally, but this game was the thing i needed to try and start bettering myself. it will always have a place in my heart