Idk if this is a hot take, but I hated that the story was a big race. You get to explore so many new planets but Not for too long! So many characters but you dont get to see them too much, either. My friends and I were so excited to see Rhys and Zer0 again but it felt like they were only in the game for maybe 2 missions. When the main story was completed i just felt like a lost dog while roaming the world, it was a little depressing. I really liked the new guns tho :)

i remember running over snowmen while the other kids at daycare would scream and try to rip the mouse out of my hands <3 great memories

this game feels barbie and her horse died in some sort of accident before the game started, and now they get to ride around in purgatory forever,unaware that they have died. and i love it for this.


silent hills p.t. my beloved you were everything to me when i was like 10. You were too good for this world.

i dont understand the intense hatred for this game. I do agree that it's kinda bad looking sometimes, and the game isn't very difficult, but it was so enjoyable that i didn't care. The cutscenes are ridiculous and over the top, but im a snake eater fan so you know i loved it. but it was fucked up that they took out ocelot's voiceline about slamming long sliver bullets into well greased chambers tho. they should've kept that in

a childhood favourite. If there's one person allowed to do "alice but she's mentally ill" it's american mcgee. i'll never forgive EA for cancelling the 3rd game.

maybe im only saying this because i played this when i was 7 but i dont think it's the worst game to ever exist. unless you're playing it on pc

in my opinion, the ONLY way to play this game is to fill it with random mods, but anyone could tell you that! so i'll tell you about my sim's life so far.

My sim was a stripper until she met this celebrity named Thorne Bailey. She convinced him to leave his wife and marry her instead. Jason Voorhees showed up and started killing people at the wedding, which locked me in the lot. I couldn't leave for what felt like forever, but they survived. My sim cheated on her husband and gave birth to her best friend's boyfriend's daughter, but its cool because her best friend doesn't like him that much anyways.
My sim's husband Thorne started cheating on her and screaming at her best friend, plus the baby was annoying so i started to consider getting rid of them both. Luckily, Thorne suddenly died of laughter in front of the entire family. I started feeling bad for the baby, so i decided to keep her. Then the house caught on fire. My sim put down the baby upstairs, and ran outside. She wouldn't go back for her baby because "This interaction is unavailable while the lot is on fire". The firefighters showed up and didnt care whatsoever. The house nearly burnt down behind them while the baby was still upstairs. The baby survived, but was covered in blood when she aged up. idk why that happened but ok. I think my sim might marry an actress named Judith Ward next, but my sim wants to break up with her because they're already falling out of love. This is my first time having a "normal" game so I made my sim get a stable job in the business career. She quit after 2 days and went back to being a stripper because i realized it makes so much more money. She might get together with her baby daddy after her best friend broke up with him, idk.

This is just straight up broken. The guy supposed to be marrying my sims never showed up, they walked down the aisle backwards, all the guests stood around in the middle of the lot and refused to move. The caterers didn't show up either and everyone almost starved to death. This is the one singular time i wouldn't want anyone to die. i hate it here