Mort from Madagascar crying .mp3

Badass gameplay, fell off of it after 4 hours as the level design became more complicated and the objectives became more fetch quest. Overall worth getting on sale, your mileage may vary

Played for less than an hour before I got bored. I recommend days gone over this

finished chapter 6. I didn't like this game very much. the story and its characters were at times great but I feel like on a foundational level this story is deeply flawed. all of the villains were so poorly written and one note. Dutch is our one good villain but he isn't explored in an interesting way, in a late game mission Arthur says "maybe he's just become more who he really is" and it's like okay?? I could tell from the start he was full of shit so to finish the game and realize that was the extent of his character study just feels so fucking lame.

me busting my fucking load when a game is engaging and doesn't overstay it's welcome.

it's okay, long as shit if you're looking for that

animations are impressive for 2005. I give it a Residentsleeper out of 5

goated, wish it was longer.