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Days in Journal

2 days

Last played

January 16, 2024

First played

December 25, 2023

Platforms Played


RoboCop: Rogue City is like a really good PS360-era game that you recommend a little too enthusiastically to people because you have to convince them it isn't garbage. I don't think this still has a demo up, but this is 100% a game that you need to play to understand; playing the demo on PC and completing the first level was what immediately sold me on this. Tromping through a television station while dismembering 80s movie punks with the RoboCop theme blaring, hearing that beautiful thunk thunk thunk while RoboCop stomps around, smashing a door off its hinges and putting 3 bullets in the heads of a bunch of punks in slow-motion...nobody is making mid-budget games like this anymore. As a 10-15 hour not-too-frilled shooter, this is a certified Good Ass Time.
The boss fights, however, suck. They don't come up very often and all but the final one have the good taste to be trivially easy, but they are miserable the entire time you have to spend unloading 10000 bullets into an ED-209.