A pretty good story but not a strong successor to Yakuza 0's genius

Absolutely stunning.
Fantastic graphics, a gripping story that sees you from beginning to end as well as satisfying gameplay.
The substories are 200% the best part though.

Really really bad. Extremely laggy, slowest start of any Rune Factory - unintuitive controls, menus etc. Literally could barely get through the tutorial.

some of the best character writing in the series and a really fascinating setting. More depth would be great

Peak Rune Factory and honestly - peak farming game sim for me personally. Poured hours into this game. Dolce best girl

Absolutely best gameplay in the series by far, but significantly lacking in story - while it does add to the series and I love the presentation, it's not close to the highs of 2 and 3.
Second arc was milked with filler and you can tell that if you look REALLY REALLY closely that Kojima was cooking something amazing, but was inhibited by Konami

can't bring myself to finish this game it's okay

Pretty much agree with NakeyJakey but I have a significant appreciation for this game - the gripping tale of a cowboy in its decline.

It's GTA, cmon. Good stuff.

Online sucks ass though and this pushed a formula I hope they slightly change for future entries.

really repetitive gameplay with unintuitive combat systems that didn't really need thought

A shame because it had a pretty good cast of characters and a storyline I really liked - but not enough to scrap it beyond "slightly better than average"

Phenomenal horror game that spins an enthralling and compassionate story by gradually drip feeding the player information through gorgeously designed levels with gripping atmosphere.
Not perfect, but very close. Almost a testament to the human condition - which seems fitting for the story the game is trying to tell. Definitely Evangelion-core.

Everything I mentioned in my Nier Automata review but I love this game even more.
The characters are richer and it feels more as a cohesive story - though Automata did explore philosophy and existensialism in a more interesting depth.

Pretty much the reason why I wanted to major in Philosophy alongside Economics and Politics at University.
A phenomenal game often reduced purely to its memes and waifubait but is genuinely one of the best video game experiences I've ever had.