Nothing reaches the peaks that I felt playing this game.

I had my fun! Not as good as 3 but overhated for sure.

Pretty much set the precedent for action games at the time till now. Second best story in the franchise with gameplay that holds up.
A little overhyped - some parts did not age well.

painful game but I did it for the rest of the series

Masterpiece. Top of the line revolutionary stealth gameplay that still can't be beat. Amazing storyline - mixing in the political qualms with Kojima weirdness

Fantastically well made - but definitely a product of its time.

I love this game so goddamn much

Elevates the story of Breath of the Wild, which I found to be the biggest problem.
Much more exploration but suffers with its repetition problem. Made the game a lot more interesting and developed the BOTW formula.

Bought a Switch for this game and Tears of the Kingdom