The idea of ​​the game is very good, if you like perspective puzzles you will enjoy it

On the other hand, I haven't been able to do it anymore, some of the puzzles have given me a headache (which in the end I always ended up passing them to me) I'm very sad because the theme is very interesting but I haven't been able to do it anymore

And I really like puzzle games, but this one seems too difficult for me at some points

I'm not usually a fan of metroidvanias, but this is interesting
Curious aesthetics and a world that is a pleasure to explore, perhaps it will encourage me to reveal more secrets

There are several parts that are very uphill that frustrate more than anything because of their peak difficulty and areas that you would like to reach but it is impossible unless you manage a thousand ways to get there.

It's not bad, the difficulty curve is progressive but in the end it hits a super beast peak

But if you are a fan of this style of games, go ahead, keep in mind that if you don't like puzzles, part of the game may take your attention away

Much shorter than the first, but still enjoyable

follows the same dynamics as the first but with an added point of exploring two stories

The truth is that it surprised me, it is a very good puzzle game that plays with perspective and impossible figures

Quite simple and to spend the afternoon.
It does not require you to know much about puzzles since it is very visual and with a couple of movements you can see the solution

I've been waiting for this game since it was announced.

It's a wonderful game: super chill, it encourages you to explore, climb... and do cat things

When I was getting the achievements there are a couple that are quite tedious and heavy, but for the rest, PLEASE TRY THEM even if you don't go 100% like me

The first time I played it was in 2021 and I thought it was wonderful
Today, in 2024, I have replayed it and it still seems like the perfect game to chill out without worries.

Although there is no dialogue, the story still hits the heart a little, because if you have experienced several moves for different reasons, you can feel quite identified (as is my case).
If you like ordering, peace of mind and not thinking about anything else, I recommend that you play it, it is well worth the experience even if it is just once

A simple game of finding sleeping cats and shells

It's not bad to pass the time, but when I was going to continue I found that the game had not been saved (when I hit save and exit) and I had completed more than half of the islands :C

It is a very good game in terms of story, platform... if you remove the soulslike genre it improves much more

I played it for the story and to discover more shells since the combat didn't interest me much.

10/10 the message and partly represents what life is today... in summary...CAPITALISM BAD AND EAT THE RICH!

a fairly relaxed puzzle game, entertaining because it keeps you busy connecting the dots and an interesting premise.

Some of its puzzles are very well thought out and plays with reading comprehension

I liked it a lot, idea to be chill without worry

At first it's okay, a typical platform game with collectibles, quite childish (ideal for the little ones)

But as you progress it becomes very repetitive, I wanted to try it and try to pass it because it's simple, but in the end I ended up getting bored

second play we've made of this game, it's still a pretty good coop now we're waiting for the other one from the same creators to be discounted so we can get hooked again

I still think it's a very good game and friendly (only sometimes) to play in coop

It is a fairly short game but at the same time entertaining
I would have liked even if it was another map or a little longer.
It helps you extend it a little more by trying to get all the badges
I recommend it if you want to disconnect a little like a little furry demon who is dedicated to dirtying the house when he is unattended

And I was missing 3 badges, but with the help of the steam community (connected right at 4:30 am) I was able to complete it all

I need to complete it 100% (destroy monsters, find more people...)
It is a very chill and enjoyable game, with a very charismatic atmosphere and a few well-known references.
I liked it a lot and what adds extra points is that it has inclusive language!
Highly recommended if what you want is to disconnect


messenger simulator
boring, too much "Happy flower" for me, even playing in coop it gets tiring

I found the idea super curious and entertaining.
But in the end I had to abandon it for two reasons.

1. the game makes me dizzy, I don't know if it's because of the first person view or because of the camera movement
2. In the end a game of destruction has become a game of theft and timer

I'm sorry, but I doubt I'll play it again