I want to kiss eva ushiromiya so badly it makes me look stupid.

I was really liking SDRA2 until the fourth trial happened and it went absolutely downhill from there.

I haven't seen a single protagonist downgrade as much as Sora does in the latter half of this game, doesn't help either that Yuki is a one braincelled organism nightmare of a character that I couldn't stand and the plot started to revolve around him.

I really liked Kanade and Nikei though.

this game was a fever dream but I really love the artstyle. i need arakawa to be buried alive.

i started this game for the cool robot designs and ended up with lesbians giving me the worst time of my life.

Mid. The art is really the only memorable thing from this game.

Being executed in an electric chair would probably be a way better experience than having to read the entirety of Shiki's route again.

The people who like this game must have gaslighted themselves into doing so because I can't even fathom how anyone could unironically like this waste of time of a videogame. There is not a single redeeming factor in this game, the cases suck so bad and are easily the worst in the entire franchise, the characters are either incredibly boring or way too obnoxious, and the story feels like it had thought put into it for a total of 5 minutes before they started writing. I feel sorry for every person that had to work in bringing this game to light.

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I get you Charles, i too think there's nothing wrong with your crush being a cult leader.

Overall i liked it, but i think it was missing something to completely make me love it, despite the fact it handles one of my favorite topics. I stole ori's name though lol, love you etherane.

This is what true gaming looks like. I have never read Cross Channel.

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I loved this game when i was younger, but replaying it years later.. this game seriously tries to make you sympathize with the rapist pedo serial killer teacher just because he got bullied twice as a kid.

Misao was completely justified and did nothing wrong.

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I have some issues with the game and I can't really call it perfect, but this trilogy is one of the most personal things out there to me and i don't think there is a lot of games out there that cather to me as much as this one. While i consider episode 2 to be better than episode 3, episode 3 is my favorite out of the three games by far. It really resonated with me and it took me months to procese just how much i liked it.

Charles, Anri and Vincent got such a huge grip on me ever since I finished this game I don't think i can quite write it down, that scene of Vincent and Charles on the rooftop and the one of Anri and Charles in the motel room have specially sticked with me. There are a lot of other scenes i like, but I feel like those two are the most worth mentioning of my experience.

These games are not for everyone and i can understand perfectly why some may not like them at all, but *I* like them and it's all that matters in the end.

I played this game months ago and i don't think it will ever leave my brain or that I will be ever be able to move on from it. Fiction truly peaked with a yaoi game.

Reading this expecting it to be a good time like the one i had with the original game years ago and ending up reading an unnecessary entry with garbage plot twists and hollow characters was real torture and I would've rather throw a bucket of acid on myself than having to do any other ending of this vn. Save Maho from this garbage she's literally the only likable new character.