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8 hrs ago

Meiya completed Ultrakill

8 hrs ago

Meiya is now playing Ultrakill

9 hrs ago

Meiya reviewed Fate/Stay Night: Réalta Nua - Heaven's Feel
The most ambitious Fate route, and actual major progression compared to the jump between Fate and UBW. Dragged down by both the normal ending and true ending for me, but overall is a great experience. Has one of the best bad endings in the medium with Sparks Liner High, and a satisfying conclusion to Shirou's arc

9 hrs ago

Meiya reviewed Fate/Stay Night: Réalta Nua - Unlimited Blade Works
There being three to five incredible scenes does not carry UBW into being amazing overall, as a massive portion of it is going over what happened in the Fate route again and again. Rin, the heroine, is boring and weak characterisation-wise despite it being her own route

9 hrs ago

Meiya reviewed Fate/Stay Night: Réalta Nua - Fate
While filled with exposition dumps that don't amount to anything and a magic system that pretends to be hard despite actually being soft with rules that get broken very soon after (or sometimes before!) their establishment, as well as a fairly basic central conflict, the Fate route is a decent introduction to F/SN with a lot of emotional moments. Last Episode, despite being short, elevates it greatly however

9 hrs ago

10 hrs ago

Meiya backloggd Tokyo Necro

10 hrs ago

Meiya is now playing Tokyo Necro

10 hrs ago

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11 hrs ago

11 hrs ago

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