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Days in Journal

1 day

Last played

January 14, 2024

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A fun and engaging story and cast of characters with a charming artstyle, it's pretty much set to be a great game from the get go and it was. Although I can't really agree with the game's brazenly high reception in regards to how the narrative ACTUALLY unfolds, I'd say the fact its a tight and well knit plot overall isn't a fact that brings it down. It just doesn't do ENOUGH for me to think of it more than being a game that hits everything in the right spot but doesn't transcend beyond that.

It may sound negative, but overall it's still a great game and everything everyone who's played the game is spot on with their remarks about it. Loveable, bubbly characters and a distinct and charming style that oozes in about every element of the game made this feel distinct from any other puzzle game I've played. The twists with the ending were great and caught me a lil off guard too but it's just a good ass game even if I don't think its a masterpiece, and well worth the time spent with it.