great movement and it don't even got no traditional jump button

very tough shmup i wouldn't be able to beat if i didnt have unlimited credits so graciously provided by this hd port. the music and presentation is some of the best. the sound is straight out of a chu ishikawa industrial album and one of the greatest soundtracks in a video game. there is so much happening on screen that it can be very hard to navigate and you will end up dying a lot of the times but when you find that one line through all that polygonal fireworks and industrial sonic scape, the feeling you get is it keeps you coming back.

this one will definitely need a revisit once i get better at shmups

the more you play, the more special it gets.

it was a really special feeling as I finished the second ending of this game. I was just impressed at the sheer ambition of this game. its like living in a pot all your life and then at the end realizing there's a whole new world outside the pot. a massive new layer that's even more complicated and sparks even more curiosity. things you have experienced now need another examining through this new lens you have acquired. with every answer comes two new questions. if this game can require you to print out origami, how far is it willing to go and hide stuff.

definitely playing for the vibe rather than anything else. going into it more so chasing the feeling of playing a sixth generation action game late night in the dark. while the narrative i don't care about and the dialogue takes 5 secs of pause between every line delivery, what i do like is seeing how there's some stuff here and there, design philosophies that fromsoft still follows in some way

gameplay is trivialized by the fact that its incredibly easy to skip by just holding dash which keeps you in the air forever. i suppose it can be hard if you played with original hardware and had to use inverted camera controls with no way of changing it but thankfully i live in 2024 with emulators and controller remapping software that i dont have to suffer through that.

but i still liked it cos it was exactly what i wanted which was a mindless action game that's just fun to mash through and experience beautiful polygon vistas and weird music while doing that

is it ever truly finished or better question do I ever want it to be over?

this game is phenomenal. it has created a new found interest for fighting games in me

i played the web version that's on github. its the perfect game to waste some time

If this kind of design philosophy and love goes towards cyberpunk 2 then we are in for something special. Its brutal, its fucking depressing. this is the cyberpunk people wanted

its release debacle forever means that any praise towards this game always comes with an asterisk.

looking past that asterisk, the game's genuinely filled to the brim with style. top of the line animations even on the most obscure piece of dialogue echoes the general ambition of the game. some parts match that ambition and some don't but I'm impressed at the attempt regardless. very rarely does your immersion break here but the mission structure does give way to situations where a main job requires a level of urgency yet the player could easily spend hours doing side jobs and gigs before ever reaching back to that urgent task. despite this the narrative is written strongly enough that you can ignore this problem and still be immersed and into it when you get back hours later. I think that speaks to the strength of the writing here. the game's first and final acts are incredible but I found myself a little uninterested in some of the middle parts. the side jobs vary a lot. some are really interesting and detailed while some others are simple fetch quests that take up too much time for what they are. gigs are the boring parts of the game. they are copy pasted jobs with different context meant to fill the map with things to do. sometimes they do give you access to a special weapon or some other reward but after doing a few, I decided to not do the rest.

with update 2.0 the game has streamlined levelling up and combat. its fun to build a particular playstyle with thoughtful levelling up and skill selection, but the game doesn't allow or offer any methods for players to reset their skill trees so they can experiment different ideas and eventually find what suits them. the game gives you 1 reset and that's it. once I was locked into my katana/pistol build there was no way for me to experiment with other playstyles like netrunner or shotgunner. there should have been provided some way to reset stats maybe through eddies (the in-game currency) or perhaps through some rare chip or item (could even make it a reward for gigs further incentivizing playing them). It's a simple fix which I hope they can add in some future update

The only incentive to replay cyberpunk would be to replay it with a different build and choose a different ending but I personally don't see myself coming back to this one due to how long some things take which would definitely annoy me the second time around. I would know what to do and where to go but the game wouldn't allow me to just skip the tedium.

Overall, I enjoyed my time with cyberpunk. It's a very good game with a lot of flaws but I love it regardless. very much excited for whatever they do in this world next.

andy serkis plays a weird version of sun wukong in this game based loosely on journey to the west. despite being written by alex garland, the story is kinda ok at best. the gameplay is climbing and fighting the same enemies again and again. its a brainless endeavor that becomes mushy after a while but it was the perfect mush for me to play while i lie in bed really sick

nails the aesthetic but actually playing it is not as interesting or cool. the idea's right there but the movement isn't. so i expect the sequel to solve that problem

my fav part is looking at the animation and sprites. there's so much soul in these sprites

This is a wonderful game.

Probably the longest I have spent on a boss in any video game.