I don't really want to rate this because it's a funny shitpost but if I have to be honest it doesn't hold up too well it's just a joke game for Nintendotubers to play once and forget about

Review pasted from GG

I actually completed the Pokedex for this recent playthrough (including Mew and Missingno) as well as messed around with importing some mons to Pokemon Stadium, pretty neat stuff even if it's a bit of a hassle to do via emulation Id love to one day be able to do it all with real hardware one day

The novelty of gen 1 for stuff like this still stands, there's not much quite like it, even though outside of doing it for said novelty playing gen 1 nowadays is arguably pretty redundant considering the abundance of arguably much better ways to experience Kanto be it rom hacks or official releases. Hell you can play the 3DS virtual console version and even be able to transfer to Pokemon Bank/Home from there, I'll probably get around to that too someday but for now I was content with this emulation playthrough

ngl this game disappointed me a little, i don't care for the character design direction much for the original characters only really the main villains i find interesting (and especially honestly fuck that little bastard prince beansly or whatever his name is if i saw that damn thing in my living room i'd stomp it till it were a small green stain)

gameplay gets repetitive in a lot of areas and while clearly the gimmick of adding timed button presses to go with animations for bonus damage is supposed to make the mario rpg franchise as a whole more appealing than regular turn based combat i feel like it's kind of counter-intuitive here only making battles drag on for longer than they feel like they should at times. and the final boss and ending suck lol

but its ok i didnt hate it or anything and i might give it another go at some point but with the gba version. i hope the other m&l games are better i'm sort of intending on doing a mario rpg spree so we'll see what happens

(Played on SM64 Co-op with a friend, all stars obtained)

Very flawed in a lot of ways but very classic and I don't regret playing it because it's a good piece of gaming history

Really impressive for being the first complete hack of this game

Review pasted from GG

Definitely a step in the right direction but there really isn't much substance. I'll re-rank it when the full DLC comes out but for now I'm leaving it a 6/10, enjoyed my time with it for the most part but it's definitely far from perfect or even great imo

Totally falls apart near the end, but I'm hearing they might even be planning to completely revamp the final boss? This definitely won't be my final ranking of the game, expect a new one when all the updates are out.

shameless rip off of a collection

Pasted from Steam

In its current state I cannot recommend purchasing Sonic Origins. Sega has a lot to fix about this, and until then I am keeping my review marked as "not recommended."

I considered writing more here (and even did begin to) but in the end I decided to scrap it, because the flaws of this collection have already been heavily documented at this point by others to the point where it would really just be a waste of my time, so I won't beat around the bush. I'm just putting this out here so that I can aid in getting the word out about this, because I truly do believe Sega can and should do better.

One of the only reasons I even purchased this to begin with was because I knew the legends at Evening Star and Headcannon were involved, and to hear straight from a developer that Sega mishandled their work for the project is very disappointing. Until this is at the very least addressed, I will not be able to recommend this product to anyone.

Pasted from Steam

Is good game but kinda makes me dizzy after a while and this is coming from someone who typically doesn't get motion sickness or anything. Just a warning. Would be nice if there was a video setting to make it less disorienting

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Gets three stars almost exclusively for the good moments but I was soo close to just giving it 2.5.

I started playing this game a while back but dropped it because the final case just was where the game reached a level of boring that I just decided I wanted to skip it. I've had a recent resurgence in my interest in Ace Attorney so I decided to pick back up with actually going back and beating this game. But really, This playthrough only further validated my feelings I had about the game already. It's just weak, and has probably the worst final case in the entire series that just stretches on and on and on and isn't even very interesting.

Best part of the game is definitely the flashback case, Turnabout Reminiscence... With no contest. It gives such a great glimpse of perspective into Edgeworth's time working under Manfred von Karma that it bumps this game's worth up singlehandedly. We see how other lawyers never really took him seriously, and how he hardly even recognizes the blatant verbal abuse he faces by the von Karmas. That combined with the relationship between Kay and Gumshoe which absolutely warms my heart and makes me giddy for him makes it probably just in general one of the most hype cases in the series. Unfortunately, however, that doesn't quite save the game itself from being overall quite mediocre and boring.

(Played with some improvement hacks.)

Will maybe finish the e-Reader levels eventually. They seem alright. But for now I just wanted to actually finish Mario 3. And ehh it's still so overrated imo like it's fine it might still be something I come back to occasionally but I still really don't think the series gets particularly great until Super Mario World. I can honestly respect Mario 1 more still I think

Again definitely not bad. Just a case of something feeling overrated and it leaving a bit of an extra sour taste in your mouth. I think 6/10 is fair.

i want to leave a really long review but i keep scratching it i really don't know how to word what i want to say

this game is not homophobic or transphobic kanji is still a bisexual king yosuke is just projecting and naoto is still a based unlabeled genderqueer god just the game is from before enough people would really know what that meant so i think it gets a pass.

considering the time i actually think kanji is some of my favorite lgbt rep still and people just heavily misinterpret him. naoto somewhat similarly. the games could definitely do more and itd be cope to pretend they'd actually do it better if the game got a remake. but i think i can accept them as maybe at their cores just being a little ahead of their time.

when it comes to yosuke i joke that he's projecting when he makes homophobic gestures to kanji but like really. i just think he has it worst in terms of the like, character assassination he gets at points in this game. he's supposed to be a great guy at heart and just all talk but the game really throws this away in favor of letting him be a bit of even just a pervert at times and it sucks.

the game does this a lot with a lot of the characters though. teddie sometimes comes off more like a middle aged creep and it sucks because he's supposed to just be this young, innocent, whimsical soul. when this game wants to be weird and fanservicey it throws character development out the window and it really really sucks, cuz it even puts you as the player sometimes into scenarios where you have to say or do shit you wouldn't want to do so it's some pretty bad illusion of choice sometimes

i definitely have a history with persona 4. there's so much about the characters and setting and everything that still clicks with me so much and i adore it. but regardless it has problems. the gameplay gets repetitive and sometimes it doesn't balance the visual novel by day jrpg by night gameplay well enough to keep you engaged.

so there is undeniably still a lot of parts that are incredibly uncomfortable. but to be honest, these are things that are also just sort of unfortunately a given with the persona series. i wish it could be better, but until atlus miraculously decides to make a change these games will unfortunately always be plagued with this stuff :/

Frustrating but there's still so much to love about it that I find it hard to consider the flaws significant enough to damage the status as a good game

I'll try to 100% eventually. Maybe. We'll see. Maybe I'll end up doing it on a replay.

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one random kid gets the power of the universe because he made friends with some girl on a dying mmorpg and occasionally hung out with some dude obsessed with banging the teacher

im not gonna lie i kind of hated the ending, and not because the protagonist dies. that's fine. like in concept its fine. it's just that in execution the ending was actually kind of awful and really disappointing

its kind of funny to have gone like actually years and i didnt beat any of these games and now i beat 4 and 3 in the span of like about a month. when i first found out about what happens at the end of persona 3 back then i was just like D: noo that sucks!! but i grew to respect it. but then now actually playing the game i kind of... dont like it again. and i actually wasnt expecting to not like it

Review pasted from GG

feels a bit dated now but imo still very worth it, this probably will be something i can come back to it's really good i feel like i havent had something click with me like this in a while this one's definitely gained a new special spot in my heart and mind (and SOUL)