Connects the 3 games greatly and references another thing that makes me very hyped to get on soon. I love this series man

A lot of issues with the game imo, the first 6 months are either completely barren or every plot event just feels completely rushed and/or pointless. Everyday feels repetitive and boring, important/interesting social links are locked behind social skills which add to the slow start. Tartarus is insanely boring and a job to get thru, not fun. The last 3 months is a step up but not saying much, characters still felt rushed or didnt get the time they needed to become good. The main cast just doesnt feel developed and together bar a couple like Aigis and maybe one other

Not much of an upgrade on prior year but still enjoy

Played w Friends for 35 mins and it was the funniest shit ever

Would be higher w/o the community stuff, really good for Mythra and Jin as characters. Lora my beloved...

Day 15 was good, but the first 10 days were so mid I can’t give it a higher score

The graphic for part 1 I don't like so I don't want it on my favorite games list so using this one instead. My review to part 1 is under that entry
Love everything prior to some bits of the ending, not going to change rating of it atm though
The Ending just hasnt made me love the series as much as I used to
Still love the series as a whole and the characters dearly, the ending just doesn't give me that sense of feeling as I once did and the part 2 announcement didn't do much for it either as I hate the way they're going with it.
Update: Part 2 fucking sucks wow i wasn't expecting this bad of a mess

1 star cuz Hu Tao
Story is some of the most dogshit I've ever seen