Played all the way up to the final level, it got somewhat frustratingly hard at that point. Absolutely gorgeous game that doesn’t need beating to appreciate. One of the Sega Saturn’s finest gems

Fallout 3 is just as I always remembered it, great atmosphere, with a bad story and even worse dlc. The exploration and vibes of this game however are untouchable.

Was decent. Even though it was extremely short it still somehow felt like it was dragging

Just as good as the original if not better in some ways. Postgame was somewhat underwhelming though. Best way to describe Dragons Dogma is it is the greatest 7/10 you will ever play

Short and Sweet, but the Steam port had some visual bugs that made night vision non functional and certain gameplay related bugs too. The entire final chapter, one of my 3 guns wouldn't shoot even with ammo

Cool game that somewhat overstayed its welcome; and most of the areas of the game after New Dam City feel underbaked. pacing was odd but the art is beautiful and is a perfect 2d Zelda-like experience. Would have enjoyed more types of puzzles and items for said puzzles though, outside of weapons or bombs you don't get any new gadgets

Worth playing for the visuals alone, especially if you’re into Oddworld-esque graphics / artstyle. Final area and it’s boss is ridiculously long though and I was ready to beat the game an hour prior to actually finishing it