(PC - GFN) i really enjoyed my time with this game, i played through completelly solo, let me just say the negatives first.

1 - bugs, some bugs literally prevented my progress sometimes
2 - checkpointing of the newly added missions send you to either the beggining of the mission or it bugs out and sends you away from the mission while its still playing, giving you a failed status
3 - map too big, no really, the map is way too big for this game, sure its a playground to hunt many bosses but at some point i stopped seeing the difference of some places
4 - balancing, some missions will take you seconds to finish depending of your loadout, or take you hours because they expect you to do a mission one way but some of the enemy locations are random, making some missions really hard to do stealthy without killing
5 - it drags on, toning down the amount of bosses would really benefit it
6 - that damn helicopter mission and the sam fisher mission...

but other than these points, the game itself was very fun, the dialogue while cheesy military mumbo jumbo is very entertaining given the personallity of the characters, bowman is a bossy lady, but she gets things done, Nomad while a bit bland, works well as vessel for the player, some of his/her lines made me chuckle
i like the ai partners, giving sync kills, commands or downright summoning an entire army to fight for you.
it reminded me a lot of the gameplay i loved from MGS 5, albeit much less serious and not as well balanced.
this game has two endings but if you see one, watch the other on youtube, i don't recommend doing 100% to see the final ending like i did, because like i said, the game drags on and drags on bad.
i bough it on a sale and it was certainly worth it.
i played it through GeForce Now and it has been one of the best performing games i've tested so far, barely any input lag, the mouse control for this one was great.
this was my first 100% in any game... and i see that i really don't like doing it, i'll stick to doing it for fun, not for completionism


What i liked :

+it used to run on anything, any old machine could get this game up and running.

+the sound design and the shooting was satisfying, i'll never forget the meta of the smgs, that rapidly fired like a rifle and had little to no debuff.

+ because of its asian devs, the designs of the skin were very cute and almost anime-like or korean, its something that i find better than its daddy fortnite.

+ it was good while it lasted.

What i dont like :

- Game shut down in 2022, you can no longer play this, some people spent a lot of money in this game, i met some very fun people back then

- anyone could very easily cheat in this game.

- given how this game shut down in 2022, i have to break my rule of only reviewing games i've played from 2023 foward, i do it out of respect for the fun i had with this game before, and also because i am physically unable to play this anymore

(Ps2 - Emulated)
Never had the chance to play it until recently, i had played the sequel before which from memory is the better game, the gameplay in itself is a hack n' slash in the most basic of terms, the combos are limited and so is the arsenal to play with, the focus here was much more in the spectacle than actually making it play great, it shows on the enemies, some can't be telegraphed well, have an attack too fast to dodge or defend and the game likes to throw as many of the most annoying ones at once, maybe to increase lenght, the second act really drags on for a while, what was supposed to be one big dungeon becomes the whole half of the game and by the time its done you can't help but feel like ''geez finally''.. but with that being said

the style of the game is breathtaking in some areas, most of the reason why i pushed foward despite the annoyance of some elements of the gameplay was due to how bealtiful this game actually is, the soundtrack was pure orchestra hype. some scenery and shots are bealtiful, the composition of each shot really was designed to make the player either feel small due to the grandioseness of the place he's in or big and imposing towards a certain threat, kratos can feel really menacing even next to a giant monster. speaking of kratos.

i was very entertained with the story of kratos, he is one massive dick that you can't help but feel bad for, i think it was amusing how he was such an asshole to some people while trying to redeem himself for his past deeds, its an early example of the trope ''man too angry to die'' and i love it. some parts of it felt a little disconected however, and some things left in the blank, but the game does sequel baits on the making of that you unlock after you beat it, i recomend giving them a watch even if its just through youtube in case you have interest in these sorts of artistic things or just have interest in game development, kratos almost became african, that would have been very interesting.

i emulated it through the PCSX2 emulator using the nightly build 1.7.3 on a mid range laptop, despite using some speed configs and toning down a few effects, it ran almost flawlessly, aside from very few frame dips that were barely noticeable, mostly on loading areas.

Overall i would recomend this game for the experience in itself, the gameplay despite fun can be a little lacking and if you try playing for it alone after coming from later games, you will feel a bit disappointed.

(PC - 💀)

as someone who enjoys the W40k universe, this game was a interesting ride, not a particularly great one, but fun for the most part

i've been wanting to play this game due to many recomendations, but i never though it would be such an okay game, its a standart TPS game with a few issues, the characters feel heavy, and thats good, because youre playing with a dude that weights a ton, in a metal armor, with a tactical rapid grenade launcher as a weapon, the meele to range quick change is the best part, its almost seamless, its the best part of the game, shooting feels heavy, but by the end you fight only bullet sponges, so the feel of heavy weaponry goes downhill, the last boss is a endurance test with the most spongy enemies followed by quick time event

soldier guys get into whacky situation and find themselves in a situation much worse than what they have prepared for, its okay, gets the job done for the 9 hour ish shooting range youre gonna play for, i feel the lenght of this game is just right, not too long, it doesn't have enough substance to be longer.

i played on a Ryzen 5 with solid performance but a very weird texture glitch that made some textures invisible, and this followed me througout the whole game, i'd recomend keeping Vsync on while playing, tho Vsync messes with the aiming, so its a trade.

its an alright TPS with some fun weighty combat, nothing special, it reminded me a lot of the first transformers cybertron game, its barebones but with a great setting, but thank god its not longer

(Genesis - Emulated) an average game that gets half an extra for its little charm and personallity, other than that, its a okay racing game with difficulty based on what vehicle you buy, making you actually have to grind at the end if you want to have any chance, but even so, the obstacles and cars that randomly interrupt your progress will make sure you still don't have a chance, but the charm of its little details prevent me from totally disliking it, how each rasher is named, have portraits and a little bit of personallity, natasha for example never fights you if you don't hit first, viper is always last (poor girl) you can bounce on cars, its rare to happen but it does happen.
i played it on a RG280V, aside from the very hard buttons and some finger cramp from turning too hard and the position of your hand, it was a excelent experience, the emulation provided was flawless, but this is a review of the game, not the system i played on.

(PC - modded)


What i liked :

+ Basically a john wick simulator with a very arcade style.

+ a little more arcade version of arkham combat, its simple yet really flashy, combat feels weighty, each punch feels like the npc felt it in their bones.

+ tons of content for people who like S ranking and 100%, not my thing tho.


+ tons of outfits, even a discount john wick and daredevil.

What i don't like :

- boy does it drags on. it should be at least 10 levels shorter.

- the story is mega corny, but i think that was probably intentional, i mean , two characters are having a heart to heart moment while a npc is garry's mod default dancing in the background.

- i don't care what anyone says, dronney voice is NOT the one in the trailer.

- some silly designs that don't take into account the enemies being able to ragdoll the player around, it gets infuriating.

- i got bored of it after level 27 foward

(PC - Free)
one of the best fan ports i've tried, but its still incomplete
the project is (so far) in beta and by the time i've finished, there was input options, no mouse support, but it came loaded with the nice features to make this game not just playable but enchanced on newer hardware, despite still in beta, this IS the definitive way to play this game

(Ps2 - Fan Port)

the best way to experience this game is using the OpenGOAL project, a fan port that makes this game much more playable than the pseudo emulation of the ps4 version, the port is not emulation, it runs nativelly.
that being said, i played this game years ago, was probably the first ps2 game i ever finished and i had fond memories of it, but playing it today, i didn't expect to 100% the game within a day, barely 8 hours of gaming and i got all the power cells and unlocked the secret cliffhanger, the game is a breeze aside from a few patience testing moments, one extra problem is that this game has a specific green color in its forests and fauna that gives me a lot of motion sickness, so i couldn't rank it much higher, but everything else was spot on, animation was cartoon levels of fluidness, its a fun and stilish game.
this feels like an actually completed crash twinsanity, a semi open world platformer with plenty of fun moments and a whole lot of personallity, but without the issues of twinsanity's development hell

(PC - Steam)

a very charming Indie game, it was clearly made on a budget but they were very clever on how they used that said budget, it reminded me a lot of majora's mask, combat was okay
the best part of this game is the story and it's characters, although to get to the end you will havee to endure some odd enemy telegraphing and a looooot of repetition.
as is tradition with time travelling games

(PC - ☠️)

What i Liked :
- for the debut of the series, it does almost everything so well, its an amazing game that i've never finished as a kid but recently beaten faster than i could before. excelent starter.

- the music is OST on the phone worthy and some will stay with you for good.

-the story can be goofy (heh) at times and thats its charm really, its a cynical yet bealtiful tale of optimism even in the darkest of times, not everything goes well, in fact a lot goes bad, but the characters keep pushing on.


- sora is a good boy.

- the opening is GUD, tho i prefer the one from KH 2

- Riku is a good jelly boy.

- for today's standarts (the series are devil may cry worthy at this point) its very rusty, but you can get the hang of it, and for a debut its very solid, the progression is tied to sora's development, so it checks out. by the end you won't be as fluid as say, KH2 sora, but you will still feel pretty powerful

- everything is so sparkly, played on the pc remaster, everything has so many cute particles its adorable

- kairi is gud girl

- i love that there is a clear option for harder secret bosses, i like that they are there, but i just won't do them, im a busy person.

What i Don't like :
- combat is rusty, boy you will feel its age during the most tense of combats

- can we delete tarzan level on the next remaster ?

- (spoiler) Riku please don't be so passive agressive.

- the menu system, shit feels oooold once you try the newer entries.


- last level is longer than 2 worlds combined, you will think you are almost over when suddenly, surprise new area and surprise ambush.

- the best skills are unlocked at the end of the game ?

- gummi ship is underused in this one

(PC - Steam)

What i liked :
- My first entry in the franchise, being a prequel made it quite easy to get into and get a grip of how things work

- the story was my favorite part of it, although it had some issues.

-i love how serious yet goofy it takes itself.

- almost all the characters are great.

- the combat for the most part felt really satisfying , switching styles was so unique.

- both protagonists have their time to shine properly, yet i feel majima shined brighter this time.

- its so packed with content aside from the main story, i won't do them but i like that they are there.

-the soundtrack is album worthy.

-i find it funny how Respectifully Horny this game gets.

-it ran great on my average computer, the pc port has its issues but performance was not one of them.

What i dont like :

-clearly made to be played with a gamepad.

- the story drags, it draaags on.

- expect everyone to pull a plot twist on you and say that everything is going according to plan despite how effed up everything is going on, they pull that on each chapter, they all talk about the same plan but i feel this ''plan'' gets a new DLC added every chapter until you start asking yourself why go to such lenghts.

- the game did crash on me twice.

- manual...saving...

- the last boss was the guy with the least screen time ? i mean.. i dont have much of a reason to hate him that much, at least not if i'm not following the copious amount of pre-planning everyone seems to have in this game.

- they really pulled a ''woozy i know youre blind, but you gotta see this shit''.

- keyboard feels clunky to use, specially the mouse, the camera gets stuck everywhere, and there is quicktime events that use the letters j k and L when your fingers are in the mouse and the wasd.

(PC - Steam)

What i liked :
-the aesthetic is so cursed it goes around itself and becomes good.

- they put music around to make it sound like a epic tale.

-this is bad, this is horrid, but its a great experience of what not to do. definelly recomend for developers to check this one out.

- explosions are edited reverbed fart SFX.


- i wasn't expecting it to have more than the first level, which is the only level all youtubers play, believe me, it gets soooo much worse.

- there is creativity here, i can see a spark of a vision but thats the extent of it.

- thank god its short, i managed to beat it in 69 minutes, that is not a joke.

What i dont like :
-everything else

-this game wouldn't be as horrid as it is if at least it ran decently. there is no optimization here.

- every enemy is in the walls. if you play it you will understand.

-you will get stuck in everything.

- bosses either die in 2 hits or take all your resources to go down, good luck fighting them at 20 fps btw.

- if you have cinetosis, don't play this game, worst mistake of my life.

- the game mocks you if you get lost, not like the fov will help you.

What i don't like :

- this game is not the bastard child of the franchise, no, this is the crackhead uncle that nobody likes because he is rude, smells bad, and youre pretty sure killed someone, he wears the same clothes everyday and you can really feel the stink, he refused any help he could have so he could be different, which turned him into a crackhead, he violently refuses to change, sold your grandma's sofa for some stones, but his only redeeming qualities are some rad prison stories he has to tell, but some other family member can still tell them back to back without issues.

- back to topic, what a slog to go through just to keep going in the series, some people defend the combat but if only that was the only bad part of this game...

- repeated dungeons, everything is the same, literally, the only thing that changes are the texture, and there is no maps

- wanna progress through the story ? too bad, take some RNG in order to proceed, if you grind for an hour just to get the card you need to open a door, well thats too bad innit ?

- the disney worlds add nothing to the story, if you just make this game a 2 hour journey through castle oblivion's corridors and stairs, you'd get a much much small yet satisfying experience.

- they remade a gba game without understanding why the gba game was made that way, what you get is the worst of both worlds combined into i can only describe as a failed chimera.

- all the dungeons are exactly the same, you grind till you have a card to progress the story, a card to more useless disney world jibber jabber (which was done much better in the first game) and then a boss key, all with a least a fuckton of grinding in between.

- i used a mod that turns the combat into what is the closest thing to the first game, wanna know what i found out ? they simply wanted to fill sausage and pad it up, because if you can have fun, then the game becomes too short, they don't want you rushing through the slog, no they want you to take your time and earn the grind.

- its mandatory, yep, you gotta play this to understand the next games.
with all that said..

What i liked :

- the story is pretty good, but its not worth the hassle, watch it on youtube , specifically a video that cuts the disney worlds, i did it after finishing the game, a better experience honestly.

- i love the newly introduced characters, everyone is pretty cool.
-thats it really, well i do like the inclusion of riku viewpoint during it at the end of the game, i'm glad its there, but i'm satisfied with the slog i already went through thank you very much, i watched the riku parts on youtube, and judging how sora played out, i missed pretty much nothing, i should have listened to people and watched it instead of played

what i liked :

+ 10\10 experience

+ i guess i was doing it wrong the whole time, i'm supposed to smash myself into my partner like a ragdoll.

+ game quote : you might had done sex 553 times.

+ a very sex experience.

+ a cute little funny game that gets its point across

+ you can finish it in like a minute.

Pc - Steam

What i Liked :

i played the first halo (the gearbox port) back when i was around 12, it was the first PC game i've actually completed, so this game is very dear to me on some levels, with that said, this remaster left me surprisingly satisfied, it gave me the same experience plus a little more.

i love how you can tab back and forth between remaster and original graphics, i kept doing it just to see how they changed most areas.

the remastered music is great, they add music to quiet places in a way that add to the experience, i don't know if it was just the gearbox port but the original was very quiet, rarely did i heard some music.

i've seen a very entertaining video talking badly about this anniversary remaster, but after playing, that video is one i have learned to disagree with, this is indeed the best and most accessible way to play the original, if you don't like the remaster graphics, just hit tab and bam, back to the original, you can even turn the remaster music into the original, back at the initial launch of this game, a lot of people complained the original wasn't quite like the actual original from the og xbox, but i've seen a few videos about updates that they have indeed fixed a lot of things to make this the definitive experience as well as the closest to the original.

weapons feel good for the most part, i love most of the original shiny old texture and the character models.

again, can't stress enough how cool it is to switch back and forth graphics with a single button

it has multiplayer and unlockables, cool, very cool, ain't playing it but props for adding, it does have coop which i intend to play with my husband eventually, he just has to get the game first, yeah i'm talking to you Yum.

i don't think the mocap makes the scenes so bad like most people say, i found them charming with the funny blocky models with high texture
with all that said..

What i don't like :

these remastered textures feel sooo noisy, everything is busy, a simple wall texture turned into a high sci fi actual wall with tunnels and lots of thingies and everything looks so busy its hard to focus, i definelly didn't like it

performance was strangelly mixed, some areas played great, some areas felt strange, and somehow switching to original did kept the framerate constant but there was a strange slowdown that wans't tied to framerate, it slowed the animation of the characters, but not the game, it was very weird.

this ain't a remaster problem but rather a halo CE problem overall, repetitive maps, infuriating areas and a loooot of confusion when the same map repeats itself for the 15th time, you start to question if youre going in the right direction.

those surprise rocket launcher enemies can eat a dick.

having only two weapons at a time don't sit well with me, specially how SITUATIONAL most of these are.

the game throws gauntlets of enemies at you, shoving more and more artificially difficulting it by increasing the numbers and surprise rocket launcher you.

this is a 6 hour game stretched to be a 13 hour game, you will realize it once you play it.

this has not aged as well as i had expected, my nostalgia googles have been really clouding me lately, but still i like this game a lot for introducing me to pc gaming and piracy hehe, being a child mean't i couldn't buy it, so a few youtubers taught me how to pirate it and it only went worse from there, granted today i can buy games i pirated as a kid to give back the wonderful time i had with these, but in this case... not so wonderful

(i don't usually write side notes at the end but halo CE itself is a 7/10 game, not as legendary as most people say, but this remaster was surprisingly good despite the backlash, i rate it 8/10