this is one of the best games ever, if not the best. always manages to make me feel a bunch of emotions, makes me feel with the characters.
i just wished the story would have ended here. because dear lord was kh3 not worth the wait.
but 2 is always a game i can come back to to simply feel something, as weird as that sounds. nowadays games like these are rare.
so yeah, kh2 is amazing and always will be my favorite game. c:

i was really hyped about vocaloid finally getting on switch. especially when i dont have a ps4 to play future tone.

and thank god they added the option to change the buttons into the playstation ones. otherwise i would be so fucked q.q

anyway. why is this only a 3 star review?
the game itself is absolutely fine. of course the switch version had to downgrade the graphics, but on some mvs it looks even better to me.
what bothers me here is the pricing in general.

we got this "exclusive" game on steam now, where, if we wait long enough, we can buy the base game + all dlc for 30 bucks.
lets compare that to the switch version which was, lets remember, EXCLUSIVE.

you have to pay 60 bucks for the base game. its a full prize game with not having all the songs in it, that were already featured in future tone. now, what do the dlcs cost? we have several packs here, i think 3 or 4 in total. you can get to another 60 bucks here.

so, you're telling me i, as an original switch player, have to pay 120 to, lets say 80 dollars when it gets a sale every now and then, to get the full game and every song available? that is bullshit to me.

also the pricing does not seem fair to me as most of the mvs of the newly added songs were fanmade or just lazily put with the official music video.
seems like not that much work was put into it here.

what im missing since x is also the diva room. this game was always supposed to be a combination of rythm game and simulation. that aspect is completely gone now. i also miss unlocking stuff such as new frames for the game like in f and f2nd, new things for the diva room... so, so much. also im missing the loading screens feature fanart from fans. this has been a thing since the first diva game!! :(

im sad how this franchise is slowly dying.
its not a bad game if you're here for rythm game fun. but veterans will miss aspects that made that game project diva.

sonic rush adventure was one of the first games i got with my brand new nintendo ds lite back in the day and let me say: i was obsessed with this game.
without having played rush, blaze being completely new to me and an amazing introduction to her.
the levels are amazing and learned from rush, having a better balance in difficulty.
driving the different vehicles to the islands also is a nice challenge and i remember having so much fun racing against jonny for the chaos emeralds.
also, the game has one of the coolest final bosses, deep core. its really cool seeing sonic and blaze transform into their "super" forms together and being able to switch between them the whole time, making use of their different abilities outside of the normal levels and all together.

also, i think marine is a really cool character too and its a shame she has not been used ever since. although i really wouldnt want that rn, seeing in what state the sonic games are right now.
she adds a lot to the conversations between the characters and gives the whole crew another level of charme. something that was missing in the first installment of the series sometimes.

the music is also again really, really cool!
ill never forget the first time hearing a new venture in the title screen and getting absolutely hyped for this game.

it holds up well to this day and is, in my eyes, a must play for sonic fans. so is rush.

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yeah... lets continue with the unpopular sonic reviews, shall we?

the sonic wii games are some of my favorites of the series, black knight being a little better to me than secret wings in terms of gameplay.

the story is amazing, the gameplay is, of course, gimmicky af being a wii game but not as bad as everyone is saying it is. once you get it it gets pretty simple. too simple at some points even.

merlina is a really cool character and i loved the final boss fight against her, sonic even getting a whole new super form (gosh, excalibur sonic is SO cool!)

the levels are beautiful and capture the feeling of this game perfectly. the conversations between the characters are funny and seriously heart touching at times.

the soundtrack is also a huge plus.
idk, i love this game a lot.

this game is like all of my childhood mixed together in one game. so; im sorry, this might not be a really objective review and more of a love letter to my all time favorite sonic game.

i adore absolutely everything about this game. the zones aren't really a lot but just enough to always give you some variations in how they look, how they play and, not to forget, how they sound.
the spritework and colorschemes are a blessing to my eyes every damn time i replay it. and, let me tell you, i do replay this game quite a lot. it doesnt get old and still looks really beautiful to me. the different versions of the zones (past, future, present) always seem like a whole new zone, giving you some more paths to find and a whole new skin to the zone.
just like team chaotix, this games colors are beautifully chosen and are just absolutely giving this game a whole lot of life, from start to finish.

the game itself is really short if you do not care about a good ending. but, if you do, there are several things to discover in this game, such as metal sonic holograms and time machines you have to find throughout the levels to make the future a good one. alternatively it is enough to collect all timestones, which brings me to the special zones of this game.

people hate them or love them it seems, and theres not much inbetween. i personally think these special stages are the best in the 2d sonic series. once you get a hang of them they are really fun and never stop being a challenge (especially when trying to get the 6th or 7th stone, damn these zones are really cool!)

while some mechanics in the zones are, lets say, not really in a state that is "playable" at all, cough wacky workbench zone cough, it follows the 2d sonic footsteps in its saying "discover your ways through and once you do that, it will be easy".

the bosses are also really cool. i enjoyed the time when spamming the original sonic 1 first boss wasnt a thing and they went an original path.
although, the collision chaos boss sometimes seems more luck based than skill based, but it fits the whole pinball aesthetic actually quite well.

this game also had some voice acting in it, which was highly appreciated by little me. things like amy giggling when you first hug here, sonics infamous "im outta here" and such gave the game an extra alive feeling.

the characters introduced in this game are absolutely iconic, being amy and metal sonic. personally i enjoy amys design here a lot more than nowadays, but thats another me-thing (just like this whole review i think u_u)

i also do not want to miss out on talking about the BEST intro sequence of any sonic game, ever. animated by toei we get an amazingly animated intro and outro. i would have wished this style of classic sonic to stay a little longer than here and the ova movie, but it is, without a doubt, my favorite version of classic sonic. he might not say a word but the way he is shown running around, standing on these mountains, etc. tells us a lot more about him than he ever was portrayed again after that (examples being sonic generations, sonic forces..)

last but not least, the music.
absolutely outstanding.
i grew up with the eu version of this game, so thats what i prefer but the jp soundtrack is just as good and, no matter how different they are, give this game even more diversity when played with another soundtrack. it gives the zones a different vibe sometimes and that is not bad, by any means.

all in all: i love this game a lot.
and if i never played it, i am pretty sure i wouldnt even be playing anything at all in the first place.
simplicity like this, some bugs that have been missed but i just started to find very charming (at the end of tidal tempest, when you beat the boss, the flowers are still shown to be underwater even though there is no more water), and a try in some other, brave directions for the time it came out makes this my favorite game of all time.

a classic with flaws.
i remember it like yesterday, seeing this game played by my neighbour and instantly wanting to play it too. one of the main aspects for this being a female main protagonist (which, surprise, is not even close to rare these days anymore, but when i was around 6-7 years old, this seemed like a huge deal to me.)

this game has an absolutely amazing story that you instantly get into. you basically have no other choice than that, the opening to this game being basically watching an opera as the whole frickin place gets burned and hundreds of people die.
the game is a little strange to get into, it is basically an action rpg with survival horror elements that sometimes get WAY too scary. im talking about the warehouse for example. if you do not have enough heals or are not careful enough how you spend your PE (parasite energy) you are basically fucked. and this goes for a lot of places in this game. its far from forgiving and every move you make should be calculated - is this worth shooting now? should i heal? try to charge my energy?

it can be really frustrating but what i like is that it never seems unfair to me.
the choices i make in battle are mine in the end.

the games music is absolutely fantastic and just goes to show how much of a classic parasite eve is when, after more than 10 years, the opening sequence is still burnt into your memory, same goes for the battle theme.

overall, this game has its regular ps1 flaws but is still a nice game to play these days and i honestly do not want it getting touched anymore, seeing what kind of remakes and remasters came out already.

as a big winx club fan, i remember seeing this game as a child in one of our local stores and begging my mom to buy it for me until she couldnt say no anymore.

and to this i would still say this game is one of the better winx club games, the ds games in general were really good re-tellings of the stories with some little changes.

we got basically everything that quest for the codex already had, with different minigames for each fairy and the story mode of course now being focused on season 3 and therefore a new transformation, enchantix.

i really love how you also get rewarded by collecting everything in the levels and trying different levels of the minigames, unlocking concept art of the season and other things you can view in a diashow.

i would have wished for the game to have more clothes unlockable, but even this feature has been added where u can style your winx fairy the way you want it, giving her a kind of catwalk in the end.

the levels do get repetitive and, as a child, even got frustrating at times, giving you puzzles with an insanely small time limit. but its nothing too big of a problem.
a lot of sprites were reused from quest of the codex and, a small bug ive noticed, bloom always changes into her enchantix form when flying to the right, wether she has got the transformation yet or not.
this should have been noticed, but, lets face it, for the kind of game this is supposed to be its still a really good game.

i loved it as a child and still do sometimes play it through in one session.
for fans, i can still recommend this and say its one of the better video games of this franchise. :)

dude that shit made my phone hotter than gerard way

the game has everything that made the wii version fantastic to me - plus some little extras that came with the new release.
we have some new abbilities for kirby that he gets by putting on hats. i dont think this was necessary to add, as we already had the several transformations throughout the levels. it made the game harder and, once you reached a point with a transformation, had more of an "op" feeling. this feeling is now completely gone, as now the levels aren't really a challenge anymore.
the new modes seem fine to me but put in there just half heartedly.
but what do you expect of one of the last 3ds game releases, right?
its a nice revisit while it lasts, but other than that the wii version is still the best to play it. :)