this game destroyed the franchise for me.
without a doubt its the prettiest switch game out there and it looks stunning but i miss the old formula of big temples and the game being a lot more story focused. this seemed more like a try to bring zelda among the mainstream - which succeeded. sadly with this game my love for the series ends as nintendo does not seem to go back from here.

i replayed this again and would like to change my review a little bit from someone who experienced this game just now again in its full form (played all stories)
i am taking away 1 star because shadows campaign plays like straight ass and really stretched this game a little because i did not get so many gameovers in the other stories. HOW-fucking-EVER.
my view of this game still has not changed one bit. this would have been the best 3d sonic game up to date if it did get the time it deserved. instead we have all of these cool what ifs i found myself sticking to a lot while playing. WHAT IF this abillity worked the way it should. WHAT IF this stage was designed properly and speed boosts wouldnt be the death of me. WHAT IF they actually had the time to put into soleanna, the overworld, and make it the lively world they obviously wanted it to be. it is a bummer this was so rushed in the end because in its core, this is the best 3d sonic, no doubt. the zones are filled with absolute neat ideas, amazing soundtrack and beautifully designed extras.
crisis city and kingdom valley being some of my favorites to mention here.
storywise i believe this game is one of the strongest of this franchise. compared to the crap we have gotten since colors this shines through even after almost 20 years of abandonment by sega and also the community. mephiles being a badass, characters being characters and not just soulless cameos for underaged fans so they can point at the screen and scream names. its a shame this game gets this poor treatment without looking at the what ifs. this game was not even close to finished but none the less has left an impact on me where this whole sonic universe was not just a joke.
so yeah. i like this game.

a classic with flaws.
i remember it like yesterday, seeing this game played by my neighbour and instantly wanting to play it too. one of the main aspects for this being a female main protagonist (which, surprise, is not even close to rare these days anymore, but when i was around 6-7 years old, this seemed like a huge deal to me.)

this game has an absolutely amazing story that you instantly get into. you basically have no other choice than that, the opening to this game being basically watching an opera as the whole frickin place gets burned and hundreds of people die.
the game is a little strange to get into, it is basically an action rpg with survival horror elements that sometimes get WAY too scary. im talking about the warehouse for example. if you do not have enough heals or are not careful enough how you spend your PE (parasite energy) you are basically fucked. and this goes for a lot of places in this game. its far from forgiving and every move you make should be calculated - is this worth shooting now? should i heal? try to charge my energy?

it can be really frustrating but what i like is that it never seems unfair to me.
the choices i make in battle are mine in the end.

the games music is absolutely fantastic and just goes to show how much of a classic parasite eve is when, after more than 10 years, the opening sequence is still burnt into your memory, same goes for the battle theme.

overall, this game has its regular ps1 flaws but is still a nice game to play these days and i honestly do not want it getting touched anymore, seeing what kind of remakes and remasters came out already.

makes me sad that people will now grow up with the phantasy reverie version of this game which is basically the absolute worst version to play this (seriously, even the "wii"make made this game look better than this soulless remake)
beautiful, dreamy worlds, gameplay that doesnt get boring even though you only have like one mechanic to use and a touchingly beautiful story.
still the best way to play the first game.

amazing remake, really.
this took everything it could work with, including the movies and put it into every character smoothly. we get to interact with each team mate a lot more, we get to see different sides of them - the original dialogues staying completely untouched. i can definitely see this game climbing up the ladders of persona 5 enjoyers.
what however bothers me is how easy this game has been made. theurgies werent a thing in the og, as well as some pretty op moves by fuuka on the tartarus floors. if you just happen to beat 20% of the shadows you're leveled enough for basically the rest of the game. the amount of ep you can get here is a joke. the hand holding is absolutely over the top. the game did not need that at all.
still a solid remake. i still prefer the old ost over this one and the default brightness of this game destroys the mood a little. i suggest turning it down a little and taking a glance at how fes or portable looked.

one of the best stories in any sonic game, ever. i enjoyed playing this game. its a buggy mess but i wouldnt say unplayable. you just need some time with you when starting this game haha..
shadows character in this game was probably the last time they nailed to portray him well. mephiles is one of the coolest sonic villains ever. people forget about all these aspects just to make fun of this game like video game essay youtuber nr. 101. try looking beyond that one kiss scene for once and maybe stop pretending this is the absolute worst state sonic has ever been in.


this ones the one on top of the rpgmaker games together with its just as beautiful sisters yume nikki and mad father.
i really enjoyed playing this again after a long time and forgot about a lot of stuff which made it a creepy and weird experience like i played the first time.
the worlds we go through are creative on another level, the storytelling is cute, soundtrack captures you. what else do you want? replayability is also granted as you can unlock several endings.
all my love goes out to garry. :*

u basically play a fanfiction written by a 9 year old.

outstanding atmosphere and soundtrack for such a pretty basic shmup. took me some time to make the soundtrack work as im playing on emulator but without it this wouldnt hit as good. the setting is absolutely amazing.

dude that shit made my phone hotter than gerard way

english patch when
seriously im so in love with the designs of this game that i, as someone who seriously only plays tactic rpg games when the story is good and the game doesnt depend on me having a huge brain, just really wanna play it.
its a shame this really isnt known about much here, guess ill just have to wait or work my way through with google translate

okay so. i LOVE metroidvanias. given how hollow knight is one of my favorite games, this just had to be exactly my type of game. and yes, i was right. the fourth installment of the series makes a complete shift in gameplay, giving it elements of souls like and metroidvania. its not a long game by any means but you can definitely get the most out of it by 100%ing it. the world is really great built and doesnt feel as small as the map is in the end. story is finally a little more meaningful and not just "there". you get several sidequests in this game, some collectibles that are just enough not to get annoying and 2 different endings you can get. my first playthrough took me about 6 hours and i just really enjoyed every minute of these.
music wise however, i think it took a step back. given how this game was obviously more focused on changing its gameplay roots thats not really a surprise. however the ost is not bad - just didnt stick with me as much as 2 & 3s ost did and still do.
anyway. play this!

gotta rip my hands off to complete this game dood