I can't really call this an improvement over Crash Team Racing, but it's an okay kart racer.

Crystal Chronicles is not a single player game. Sure, it CAN be played that way, but it's a game meant to be played together, hunched over your Gameboy Advances as you argue about which way to go and battle it out for items. It's an amazing multiplayer experience and I have so many fond memories of it.

Sonic Chronicles is not a good game. The sound design is bad, the gameplay is "ehh" at best, navigating can be an absolute pain; the story is probably the one saving grace here, and even that isn't great. Even so, I had way more fun with this game than anyone probably should. Sonic Chronicles was hilarious, and I'm still so sad that it never got a sequel.

My sisters and I used to try to play every game we owned (that was multiplayer) every new year. Every single time without fail one of us would go "even Mario Golf?" It isn't a bad game by any means, but a video game about golf is not exactly a very exciting multiplayer experience.

The Mario sports games are all very fun, and this is no exception. The story mode was pretty difficult, though.

There's something really weird about seeing Mario characters playing basketball with Final Fantasy ones. I love it. What a surreal game.

Mario Party 9 isn't horrible, but it really isn't the same as the previous entries in the series, and it definitely isn't doing any better than them.

Mario Party 6 is a fantastic addition to the Mario Party series, with some of the best minigames in the series as well as some very fun boards.

I played this on Sonic Gems Collection, I think? Anyway, I still don't know who half these characters are or even how to really play this game WELL, but it's very fun when you somehow manage to buttonmash your way to victory. When are we getting another Sonic fighting game, huh Sonic Team??

I can't say Crash Bash is better than Mario Party, because it isn't. But it is fun for what it is, and I enjoyed both the single player and multiplayer.

Realistically, I can't rate this any higher than four stars. It's very simple and very much trying to get you to go out and buy Pokemon cards. But it's so much fun and the art style is super cute. I love it so much.

This is the definitive Mario tennis game, in my opinion. It was a lot of fun without ever being too challenging or too easy in single player, and multiplayer is absolutely a joy.

I wanted to like this game, but honestly, the only fun parts were the battles and that was only because I was playing with my sisters.

Tales of Graces is a playable game, and that's the most I can say about it. The story is lackluster, the battle style difficult and not intuitive at all, the characters and their situations are not engaging at best and often more frustrating than anything else. I have never hated a protagonist more than I hate Asbel. The absolutely shoehorned in romances and the entire final portion of the game somehow were even MORE disappointing.

This is easily the best Mario Party. There's nothing quite as chaotic as the 8 player mode. My sisters and I had a lot of fun trying to play 8 player with a cpu partner on our teams, it was ridiculous. The boards in this game are my favorites as well.