Spyro 3 is a lot of fun, but it's probably my least favorite of the original trilogy. This is by no means saying it's a bad game; my problem with it is simply that they crammed too much into it and I would have preferred more focus on Spyro or developing the new gameplay styles instead of just throwing everything at the wall. It's still very fun, of course!

Spyro 2 is the best of the trilogy. It hits the best combination of new mechanics with traditional Spyro style, without ever feeling clunky. The story is my favorite as well, and Spyro looking mad because he was interrupted from vacation time is a wonderful touch that I love so much. This was my first 100% completed game and I always 100% it when I play it. Even if that means dealing with Fractured Hills.

I really need to get back to this, since I haven't played much of the Switch version. I enjoyed the Wii U one, but Fire Emblem Warriors improved on the mechanics so much, it's hard to go back to this one. I really do want to see more of what the definitive edition has to offer, though.

I have a hard time recommending this game, because playing it without bringing Pokemon from Diamond/Pearl is basically pointless. There aren't any minigames like the Pokemon Stadium games. The 3D models are nice to look at, but otherwise there really isn't much of a point to this. You can dress up your avatars, I guess? That's all I've got.

I've never beaten this game, but I love it dearly. There's something so cute about the style and the world, and I have a very big soft spot for it. I bought it again on the 3DS because I'm that fond of it.

Mario Party 8 isn't great, especially on the heels of 7 (the best one). But it isn't terrible either, and the fun in Mario Party games is playing them with friends, and 8 does a fine job of that.

Pokemon Silver was my childhood. I vividly remember having a dream about how to get through the puzzle in Morty's gym (it was wrong). I loved this game and it was almost the first Pokedex I completed on my own. I was missing only some legendaries, which was pretty impressive for back then. While it doesn't hold up all that well, I still would replay it.

I cannot in good conscious recommend this game. The story is bad, it requires purchasing either Conquest or Birthright as well, and it's absolutely not worth it for most people. I absolutely loved it though, and managing something crazy like 50 units was fun for me. Revelation was not the perfect route I was hoping for and I will never forgive them for killing Izana, but there's still something enjoyable about seeing those Hoshido-Nohr relationships and seeing what horrible hair colors you can shove on those poor child units.

I played more Sonic Advance than anyone ever should. It was entirely to get rings for Sonic Adventure 2: Battle. It was entirely worth it. Advance honestly isn't a great game; it's solid enough for a platformer, but that's about it.

Was there anything outside of City Trial?? No, absolutely not. City Trial was the only thing that mattered.

Let's be honest, the main attraction here were the minigames. This game gets this rating for the minigames alone. I never actually played much of the rest of the game, but who needs that when you have super fun minigames??

This was a very cute game. That's honestly the most I can say about it. It wasn't very memorable, and it wasn't a game I'd go back to play again, but it was adorable.

Tales of Vesperia is my favorite Tales game, and has been since I played it. It has a LOT of issues, but the gameplay is solid and fun, and when the story hits its high notes, it's fantastic. Many of the characters are enjoyable and have fun interactions, and parts of the story are my favorite in Tales storytelling. I haven't actually beaten the definitive edition, but that's mostly because I already beat Vesperia several times. I'll get back to it at some point.

Tales of Symphonia did a lot of things right with the characters and story, but ultimately it just doesn't quite hold up to what I'm looking for in a Tales game. This is mostly because there's no free running.

Pokemon Snap is a simple game, but it's so much fun and the only real complaint is that it isn't long enough. I look forward to seeing Pokemon Snap 2!!