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3h 0m

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1 day

Last played

February 1, 2024

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a surprisingly faithful modern reinterpretation of silent hill, canonised by a hauntingly beautiful original score from the master yamaoka and the return of masahiro ito and his nightmarish monster and otherworld designs. this is the first legit piece of silent hill media since the room (pt not withstanding) and that's worthy of some recognition.

heavy handedness and some corny dialogue aside, as a proof of concept this showed immense potential- there's some really striking horror imagery and a building sense of dread that is elevated dramatically by yamaoka's sound design and score.
with a proper budget and a more nuanced approach to the storytelling, these guys could genuinely make something worthy of the series legacy.

gotta say, i'm really disappointed in the fanbases reaction to this. it's a lot better than the reviews on here would lead you to believe and signifies a step in the right direction for the franchise. it just goes to show how impossible to please this fanbase is, by and large, and whether or not konami should have even bothered reviving it at all.

i can only imagine these reviews are from people who went in to it actively wanting to find reasons to hate it.