Pretty trippy, fun for a quick game, nothing too in depth. Nice visuals and music

Embarrassed but yes I am a long term player of genshin. I’m really not that easy to please and my judgement is poor so I usually rate things fairly high
Ignoring the fandom, Genshin isn’t all that bad, you got a nice main story and then many side quests. I will be honest the story really sucked me in at times; it does get deep.
Gameplay is pretty simple, mash some buttons in a hack and slash way, collect a bunch of items to upgrade your character.
The gacha system is less forgiving than most considering it takes a bit of time to get the currency you need but It’s not p2w at all and that’s nice.
One critique I can think of is it’s VERY resource heavy. You can get good frame rates but your cpu will probably be sobbing with how hot it gets. Seriously i can cook an egg with my laptop and tablet when I run this game

Been playing this game for around 10 years now. Was a big portion of my childhood, it even brought together my brother and his partner of 10 years
It’s amazing how much a game can do

Fond memories of playing this as a kid, i loved the dream eaters they were so cute

Broke at least 3 phones playing this back in the day.
10/10 who knew a simple mobile game could cause so much destruction

Ignoring the messy development the games fairly fun for a quick pick up. The songs are pretty catchy too, especially the lemon demon ones

I absolutely loved this game. It’s so wholesome and it’s so fun to parkour around the map with a maxed jet pack and fling slimes around

i love getting abolished by 50 cops in overkill in a small meth lab whilst my friends are goofing off

This one’s gotta be my favourite Zelda game. The open world is really nicely made and there’s fun side quests/activities to do. I also just really like the style of this one

This was the first animal crossing game I played and I really love it. There’s a lot of ways to decorate your town and i love that you can get patterns from other towns
I feel like there’s a lot of freedom with decorating your town

played like 10 or 20 minutes of this on vacation and then my laptop blew up
Heard the company did some stupid stuff with the game so probably won’t bother with it
Saw some cool atmospheric photos from it though

i played this years ago so i kinda forgot but i think it was fun

Good ol’ nostalgia. Haven’t played any of the other newer SMB so I can’t personally compare them but this one was pretty fun. I like trying to speedrun through the courses lol