On the one hand, it's gacha hell. On the other hand, it's still totally playable without spending any money... although "playable" is a bit of a stretch since the gameplay is so lacking. So why do I still play it? Because I'm Square Enix's bitch Because it's otherwise a charming adaptation of FF7 + the compilation, and the event stories are also very lovely. And you get to dress up the characters in cute outfits. So it's worth it to me to let the AI combat run while I play better games😆

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Honestly a pretty decent game, especially with the QoL changes in the PR version. My main complaints are:
- terrible dungeon design. what is this.
- temporary party members don’t really work with this leveling system
- despite liking the leveling system (i know, hot take), some late-game spells couldn’t really be leveled without excessive grinding. i do really like how this leveling system works, i wonder what other games use this kind of thing?
- lack of thematic cohesion compared to ff1 (may be me just missing smth? i just really loved the circular themes in ff1)
- leon could have been an interesting character but he switches sides so easily. like 1 or 2 lines about his reasoning to switch back to the good guys would be nice. and also his reasoning for joining the people who killed his parents and plan to kill his younger siblings?? like bro what is wrong with you?? i get there were technical limitations making dialogue limited but other characters had a lot more depth despite this!!
- why was the final boss so easy?! no strategy, just hit him a couple times. not even overleveled, in fact i frequently turned random encounters off and didn’t really grind except in the very beginning

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really mad at the ending but otherwise one of my favorite games of all time


got to the final boss and could not beat him oh my god. i basically finished this game so idk if i'll ever go back and beat him