some really annoying parts par for the course with all ace attorney games but 6-5 was peak

Unique mechanics that let each scene flow together nicely. However the puzzles boil down to clicking everything.

Felt more like an artist's science lesson than a cohesive story-driven game, interesting and well presented nonetheless

Crazy highs but horrible lows; some cases are masterpieces and others would be better placed in a garbage can. Way too much annoying shit which really takes away from what makes the game fun. Too many logical leaps, trial bullshit (punishment for pressing, needing a specific order of presses before contradictions can be used, useless judge and no contempt of court rules). Some character animations are way too long. Relies on Mia miracles after you dont have evidence.

The new character control mechanic removes a lot of the minigame uniqueness which WarioWare is best known for. A lot of the time you are just mashing buttons to get past the stage - and it works.
Music and setting are less charming than previous games. Props to them for trying something new I suppose.

Immersive and spectacular, this is up there with the best story-driven games to date, and one of only a few that you can lose yourself within the world's mystery as you peel layers trying to uncover the universe's true meaning. Uses extremely innovative and well-realised game mechanics to create a comprehensive and consistent world, with many moments of discovery that will leave you stunned.
Falls ever so slightly short of a 5/5 because of some of the frustrating time-based events and unclear puzzles.

Atmosphere and world design are great but its pacing makes it a slog to get through especially towards the end. Flying to different areas is sluggish and again adds more length when not needed. Handholding is overtuned - Fi solves all puzzles for you while not letting you play the game. Repetitive fights and re-used "boss" mobs