3 reviews liked by queralt

Asides the SHITTY ending regardless of what you choose, fantastic end to the trilogy as the choices made in the past games all lead up to an incredible and enthralling journey to save the galaxy from the Reapers, Game plays the best and the squad system's A.I finally feels competent acting independently outside of user commands. Tighter controls aiming and the improved melee rewards different styles of play heavily and make each battle unique. I truly abhor the ending but it shouldn't affect an overall review and ME3 is the best in the franchise barring it's ending.

These are still some of my favorite games of all time, and this is the best way to play them right now. It’s not much more than a new coat of paint, they are pretty much the same games underneath, but they look nicer and feel more cohesive as a trilogy.

There’s the jankiness that comes with age, the rather dated design elements and the combat never was much more than serviceable. The characters, writing and worldbuilding are where this series’ strength lie. We do not often get original epic space operas that are as detailed, fascinating and actually great as this one. It’s a true pleasure to come back to this universe every now and then.

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Garrus is hot