it's very funny how mormons are the most thought provoking or hardest motherfuckers in fallout

seriously what the fuck is going on here

why is this even on this website, it doesn't exist

the raider thing feels really tacked on like oh now i can be a raider but also i'm the general of the minutemen and uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

also they retconned power armor AGAIN

if it wasn't morrowind it would probably be lower. i really don't care much for this expansion, the free exploration aspect of morrowind that makes it so cool (when you get past being slow as ass) is kind of neutered here for me

i am a very big fan of stories having a loop back around at the end that contextualizes why some things happened the way they did, and halo reach does that pretty well

mechanically it's nothing special (except for the afterlife mechanic which i adore) but visually it's so delightfully unsettling. it's worth playing for that alone but it's also a nice short JRPG. not very difficult at all nor does it have to be. i liked the final fight

it is impossible to state just how hard bungie got carried by microsoft

whenever i get bored i like to go in the server browser and troll mexican children

this is legitimately better than most GTA games


this is the game you get to put the n word on your achievement gallery

every sperg instinct in me tells me i should like this game but i just fucking HATE mana so much it's unreal