the highlight are the challenge levels. if the game was more of that it's probably be the best 3d platformer

one of those things where you'd expect it to be shovelware asscheeks but it's actually a really good platformer and really funny

my favorite gameplay in the mass effect series, a lot of the game just reminds me of kotor

i'd drag my balls through a mile of broken glass just to have samara sit on my face

guys there's a dildo and EPIC action isn't that funny??????? and woah there's ZOMBIES and BURT REYNOLDS??? no way. it is funny sometimes and it's fun but it's not as good as the second one. the character creator isn't as flexible either but the models are higher quality and i can still make cute girls so its good



i shit you not the game starts off immediately with racial caricatures, the kind of guys who go "shieeeet" and they listen to music that is just a rap beat that goes "MUTHAFUCKA". other than that it's fun

this game lets me live out my greatest fantasy: throwing canadians in camps

gordon freeman is like me: mute, late to work all the time, has extensive training in firearms and explosives

not the all-time aspergers simulator that the first game is but it's really fun

it's like space station 13 but for people that have jobs

beautifully bleak game. turn off alien crossfire factions though they don't fit the original story

i role play as a cop as hard as possible so i beat my girlfriend, shoved her in my trunk, and drowned her in the ocean