i wore an oni mask and shoved a gourd up my ass. then i kicked the shit out of british people only to get shot in the street by the government. then i went home and played way of the samurai four for windows and ps3

basically paper mario but with more variables. also there's crab people


if the government saw what i made i'd be put on a watchlist

the galactic adventures actively make the game worse

probably the funniest sandbox game i have ever played. also really fucked on pc lol

i can still make cute girls and i enjoy the variety of customization options. it plays like crackdown which is a really good game

i want practice cqc with quiet. i want to shower with quiet. i want to lick the swea

i don't even know if there's a point to the game all i do is raid and pillage

this game is like doing cocaine but actually nothing like that at all

goombella got me actin strange. just kiddin. no i am actually kidding i am not that depraved. the game is good

this is a certified hood classic