Pretty fun game to be honest, humor is very subjective but there was some fun jokes in there, the gunplays great, definitely worth a play.

A great remake to Persona 3, I could never get into the other versions but this is the first time I've actually gone and finished it. The QoL improvements, the new additions help make it feel like the more recent titles and is definitely a must play.


Solid game, but it just does suffer with repetitiveness and awful checkpoints. Great for what it was at the time but its just awkward these days.

What a game, Remake is an understatement, it does so much to add onto the FF7 story without seeming forced and filler. The combat felt awkward at first but once it clicks, it clicks. It really modernizes the OGs gameplay while keeping it intact. A must play for fans of FF7 and JRPG fans as a whole.