This review was written before the game released

Incredibly short, but taunts you with all of this potential of how strong your build could be, without providing the interest to start over and attempt at it

Similar thoughts to other people - very fun initial struggle followed by lots of waiting without any looming danger

very fun and stylish, always want more from Cosmo D

Incredible art, I really mean it, to the point that I considered buying the art book just to drool over it. my problem is that I paused the game for a month or so, tried to come back, and didn't remember what the fuck I was doing

So many elements of this game were near-perfect. Voice acting was not one of them, but I don't need to say that, it's a resident evil game ffs... what i found most disappointing was that you kill off the most interesting and genuinely scary villain after clearing the first area. Being in Dimitrescu's castle, this entirely new, bizarre but familiar enough setting with looming threats and that goddamn music that warned you right before you ran into Dimitrescu's legs. Wish that had lasted longer

olgierd is honestly the hottest male character in the witcher i think

sigh... looks like I am back in my annual two-week Sims rut...

Absolutely love this game and anything that says "fuck you" to Rand. A pioneer in many ways. But man, that final boss battle sucks so bad, and the stupid black-and-white moral decisions


I'm not a roguelike person... this is the best induction.
horniest artists

Is this a good place to put this? Maybe. Hear me out: Dead Money is the plot of Who Framed Roger Rabbit (1988). The Dip is the equivalent to The Cloud, Roger Rabbit is Frederick Sinclair, Jessica Rabbit is Vera Keyes, Marvin Acme is Dean Domino. Similar aesthetics. Both stories follow a scandal involving adultery/a love triangle. Vera and Jessica Rabbit are both famous for being beautiful performers, and Sinclair/Roger are both in love with them (somewhat foolishly). Dean/Acme are both the threat, with Dean controlling Vera's actions and breaking her and Acme being part of the adultery scandal that threatens Jessica's validity. Although Roger Rabbit doesn't have nuclear fallout, the comparisons can be with the cloud and the dip. The Dip is questionable in legality and used to eliminate toons, but the only people who know about how terrible it is are toons. The Cloud is an experiment performed by Big Mountain scientists that is designed to be harmful, but the workers at the Sierra Madre who are exposed to it don't understand the effects of it (similar to how Roger Rabbit in his stupidity isn't sure what's going on for a while).
Anyways this is fantastic duh

oh man when this came out my tumblr was filled with sam drake and rafe adler gifsets. fuck this game

when the. when the. when the impostor is...