It really means something about the writing of a game if it's only a few hours long but makes you feel so much for the characters. Really, these characters are fantastic. Brilliant voice acting, nothing felt like a character voice, just raw emotion.
Watching Delilah's trust in Henry grow over time, with how much she doubts his word in the beginning... Immersive, disturbing, and gorgeous.

Quite good. Very well rendered lighting, considering. Fun Victorian slang, deduction minigames were fun as hell.

Never seen a shooter with this much scope, quite impressive and ran well on my decent-enough PC. Doesn't begin balanced whatsoever for new players, but can grind as a support for a while. Good shooter mechanics overall.

The Hitman franchise has gotten a little lost lately. This feels like its peak to me, not just feeling like endless season-based DLC or giving into silly gimmicks. But this one has the little goofs seasoned in nicely. Throwing a heart in a trash can. The Texan. Nobody cares about the story cutscenes, that's just how it is, the only bits of story that matters are the hilarious bits of dialogue you eavesdrop on.

eh, disappointing, weird dialogue

It's alright. Pretty chill community, considering. Well balanced and pretty easy entry, but low playerbase and quite overdone/uninteresting

I worship this game over any diety. Playing New Vegas for the first time when I was 11 utterly, absolutely changed my life and the way I would look at every other game to follow. Still play it again in full at least once a year and learning the speedrun. Please chat me up about lore.

brainless looter-shooter. wish there was more of a challenge than enemies with infinite health bars. but of course the combat mechanics are lovely. grading all of this relative to it being an MMO bumps it up in quality

you absolutely need friends to play this game with and preferably very laid-back friends. I stopped playing it as frequently because I lost my group and was forced to solo queue with the absolute toxic insanity. if you do it like that you will want to garotte yourself.
otherwise, developers listen to feedback and make changes that actually balance the game pretty frequently. player skill outweighs operator abilities as long as not a shield operator. in-game purchases are cosmetics or quick-levelers, nothing changes gameplay.

want a compelling story with beautiful graphics and badass weapons? here you go.
prefer playing solitaire on your computer? become a professional gwent player.
like something less dead-serious? play hide and seek with kids while wearing ass ears.
the only thing I might change is trading some of the fetch-quests and redundant environmental tasks that might slow you down for more high-quality side quests.

Played this for way too many hours to rate it lower, but really feels like such a soul-sucking game. oh and fuck EA of course

you got tha unfunny chud chat.
toxic community you say?
well I say face my joke build after joke build as he beheads you with a kitchen knife

holy shit i REALLY wanted to play this and love it but it's utterly absurdly broken on PC/steam client, can't use the menu and save so I gave up. it felt super unique and charming in a creepy fuck way

/joins lobby
/other players see you just came from a loud run
/running stealth
/kicked from lobby before time to fix your build
yeah. also the economy of this game sucks. good fun though